A new mission

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Aphmau's POV:

My eyes shot open and I rolled out of bed as fast as I could without knocking anything over. I bolted towards the airhorn on the table at the front of the room. Let me explain what's going on here.

I, Aphmau Jessica Odinson, am the top spy in the agency. We live here at the HQ along with the others agents. I'm lucky because I get to room with my friends since they're spies as well. Well, most of them. Alesa, Jin and Ross followed us to the agency the first time we got recruited. Ever since then, nobody can seem to get rid of them. If Commander Logan locks them out, Jin hacks the mainframe and unlocks it. If he doubles security, Ross somehow sneaks past it. If he uses force, Alesa manages to get close enough to use her pepper spray and runs in. So now Logan has just given up. Me and my friends are part of an elite team known as the D.I.V.I.N.E. DIVINE stands for Daring Individuals Venturing Into Never-ending Evil. Our main purpose is Defeat a man called Disaster and his agents Known as Shadow Knights. We always have to wake up early here at Head quarters, so we made a deal that the first person to wake up would get to blow the airhorn at the front of the room to wake the others. Whoever got to it first would be the 'Winner' as we liked to call it. It was kept on a more-or-less empty table, next to the door. The bunk beds which we all slept on were in the back of the room, so it was fair game. Anyway, back to the story.

I grabbed the airhorn and realized someone else was holding onto it too. I looked up and saw Ross. His hair was messy and his glasses were askew. Clearly, he hadn't woken up any earlier than me.

"Wanna make this a team effort." I murmured quietly to him. Ross' dazed expression turned into an evil smirk.

"On three." He whispered back. We held it above our heads and placed both our fingers on the button. I sat on the table because Ross was taller then me. He began the countdown. "One. Two -" 

BAAAAAAAAAAAAMM (A/N:That's what an airhorn sounds like to me. Don't judge.)

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Everyone screamed and got up. Adam freaked out, fell off his top bunk and landed flat on his face. Me and Ross were on the floor having a giggle attack.

"ROSS TIME!" He managed to say through all through the laughs.

"AND...A-APH TIME!!" I gasped. I could hardly breath and was starting to get dizzy.

"Alright, we get it. You guys won." Adam grumbeled and peeled himself off the ground. I opened my mouth to say something but the intercom interrupted me.

"Agents Phoenix, Budder, Dino, Shed and Zed are to report to my o- I mean TEMPORARY office immediately. Considering my old one is still being repaired after it mysteriously blew up, you will need to go to conference room 107." I noticed Ross tensed up and looked kind of nervous. He blew it up, didn't he? No time for that now. We should probably go see what's up. I thought.

"Welp. That's our cue. C'mon goat. Let's go get changed." John walked past everyone with goat following behind him. I shook my head out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, better go check out what's going on."


After getting changed into our mission suits we met up at the door to the conference room. I waiting for the others when-



"Did Matt damon give you anymore clues on how to defeat the evil?"

"Yes. First it was the number 7. Now it's Denny's."

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