"I would love to go on a date with you Michael." She said smiling. I smiled and leaned in. She closed her eyes and closed the gap between us. It wasn't a passionate kiss it was a sweet kiss. A kiss that means that we both care for each other. And ice each other. It feels like it's my first kiss right now even though I kissed a couple of other people. Not counting my momma and grandma.

We pulled apart and she was blushing so bad. Her cheeks was a darker pink and she looked so cute.

"Thanks for that Michael." She said and walked out if my office.

"Anytime Emily. Anytime." I said and started working.

Tim P.O.V.

Y'all know what's coming next right? Epic fourth wall break alert. Just a warning for you. Yes I knew your brains are breeding right now because ask of my fourth wall breaks but I like it! Enjoy this intermission of me talking about ships.

Alright first of all Mella is stop my top OTP. Buttttttt. Remily is getting up there. I ship has just dialed and I'm jumping up and down. *insert male fangirl scream* I still ship Mithross and Redney but those well never sail. Anyway you may think what an I still doing here? Well to answer you're question is with this answer. I'm here to stay! Ha ha. I get my own couple it paragraphs in stone if these chapters. Ask get ready readers for my unimportant shit! Your welcome and now back to your regular scheduled program.

Stella P.O.V.

I started driving back to the offices. We are going to be late to work because Max is a dumbass. After they took a pint of blood from him they said DO NOT get up. And guess what he did. Yep he passed out. To be honest I died of laughter.

"I hate hospitals." He said.

"Well if you listened to there instructions that wouldn't be a problem." I countered and laughed.

"I wanted my phone!" He exclaimed.

"You could have asked me." I retorted. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

"When am I going to see my surprise?" I asked excitedly.

"After work. I'm apparently not allowed to drive now." He said and frowned.

"Well I don't want you passing out and kill me." I stated. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tounge out at me.

I parked in the parking lot and walked as fast as I could to the office. I gotta see if Emily is okay. I opened the door and people were acting as normal as it ever was.

"Have you seen Emily?" I asked frantically. Corey looked up and shook his head and pointed to Adam's door. I nodded and walked over to it. I knocked on it and he yelled to come in.

"Please tell me you have seen Emily." I said.

"No she never came after her lunch break. I called Kyle and he said that she is fine. Just sick." He said.

"Adam. Kyle cheated on her." I said. He stood up with wide eyes.

"Shit. We have to find her." He breathed out and ran out of the room.

"Emily is missing." I yelled.

"Yeah and so is Red!" Barney yelled from his office.

"Did you even check his office?" I asked and went to his door. "Red? Are you in there?" I checked the door and it was locked.

"Adam do you have the key?" I asked. He nodded and unlocked the door. I opened the door and I breathed a sigh of relief. Emily and Red was cuddling on his couch and they were sleeping. I took out my phone and took a picture. I posted the picture on Instagram with the caption as: My ship has sailed! #Remily. I shut the door and smiled.

"Found her." I whispered and walked to my office. I shut the door and sat down in my chair. They are the cutest thing ever. I wish Max and I are like that. Damn Stella don't think about this.

I wiped a tear off of my cheek and turned on my computer. Big girls don't cry. I shook my head right the there was a knock on my door. I door opened and Max walked in with a frown.

"Whats wrong? Are you crying? What happened?" He asked quickly, closing the door and walked towards me.

"Nothing. Nothing. I'm fine." I said reassuring him. Of course he doesn't believe me. He knows me too well. He walked over to me and hugged me. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back. He picked me up and kissed me.

"Max I'm trying to work" I said laughing.

"Doesn't look like it." He said glancing at the computer screen. I laughed and kissed him. He set me up against the wall. I smiled and pulled him closer.

"I fucking love you." He said as he pulled away to take a breath. He kissed me harder but sweet. I moaned wanting more.

"I love you too." I whispered, pulling him closer. He glanced over and pulled away from me. I plopped down on the couch abit to question what he was doing. He locked the door and walked back over to me. Good thinking Max. This is why I love him.


I'm sorry. This chapter is late. I have been doing that a lot lately haven't I? Anyway I actually have a valid reason. It may not be to you but it us to me. I am in the middle of school volleyball tryouts and let me tell you. It's hell. This morning I couldn't even get out of bed. But anyway. I got good news. Chapter 69 will be with smut. You're welcome. Full warning ahead. It will be bad. So yeah sorry for the late chapter and see ya.


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