Chapter 35

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Stella P.O.V.

"Hey Stella," Corey said. I looked over and he was smiling at me. I nodded. We are almost off the ground and I'm freaking out.

"So I heard that you like anime. I do too!" He continued. I nodded again.

What if I fall out of the plane. What if we get it hit by something? What if we have bad turbulence? I can't do this.

"Stella," Ross said from behind Adam. I turned around and looked at him. "Breath."

I realized I was holding my breath. I took a deep breath and again and again.

"Stella. Your eyebrows are on fleek!" Alesa said. I smiled but didn't respond. I pushed back by the liftoff.  I squeezed my eyes shut as we flew higher in the air.

I can't. What if our engine blow? I don't want to die. I can't die. I can't do this.

"Stella. Look at me." Max whispered. I opened my eyes and his face was full of worry. "You are not going to die. Nothing is going to happen to you. Trust me." I knew he was right by my mind would not accept it. He lifted the arm rest up and pulled me towards him. I buried myself in his chest, trying to not think about the plane.

I don't want to die.

Max P.O.V.

Talking to her didn't work. It worked with Alesa, I thought it would work with Stella. I was wrong. I knew she was deathly afraid of heights but I didn't know it would be on planes also. I'm glad that we took the nonstop plane instead of connecting ones.

It pained me that she was freaking out inside. She tried to hide it but I know her enough that she's breaking down. I did the only thing that I thought of on the spot. Hold her. Make her know that I'm never going to leave her. And I'm not. Make her know that I'm always going to protect her. And I will. I swear on my life that I will let nothing happen to this girl in my arms. I love her. I love Stella.

"Max, I think she fell asleep." Adam said. I looked down and Stella's eyes were closed and her breathing slowed in a rhythmic beat.

"Why didn't just talking to her worked?" Ross asked.

"Well Alesa and Stella aren't the same people. I mean no body can compare the hotness on Alesa." Adam said, smirking. He did not just say that. I turned my body carefully and glared at him.

"Excuse me?" I growled. "Are you saying Stella is ugly? No offense Alesa." I said, glancing at Alesa.

"None taken. Imma let you two duel this it." She said and put her earphones in.

"Adam. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I quietly yelled.

"Sorry man. I didn't realize what I said." He defended.

"If I can punch you right now I would." I said and turned around. Gosh I hate him right now.

"You now can turn on your electronics. Thank you and we will be at your destination soon." The pilot said. I looked back at Alesa and she laughed. She already had her phone out and was on it even before the clear. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. I went on the newest news story and went to see what's up with the fight thing. She's got to be hurt. I glanced down at Stella and placed my hand at her side. She flinched and I took my hand off. Is she sleeping? I waited for a minute just to make sure and placed my hand back in her. She flinched again and repositioned herself. Well that's weird. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I need sleep. You need sleep. Everybody needs sleep! Oprah? No ok I'll stop.

Time skip to a couple of hours brought to you by bread.

I woke up with tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times to get adjusted. Adam was tapping me on the shoulder.

"You got 20 minutes before we land." He said and continued feeding Mason. Alesa was out like a light a Stella was still sleeping. I shook her lightly but she didn't respond. I shook her again still nothing. I sighed and gave up she's not gonna get up. I'll give it another ten minutes.i looked out the window and the view was beautiful. It was almost 10 in the morning and I was glad that we took an early flight. It look like we were in Houston, almost to San Antonio. The city was so big.

The ten minutes passed and went and I totally forgot to wake up Stella. The pilot told was that we will be landed soon.

"Stella." I whispered. She groaned and opened one eye. "Get up, we will be landing soon." She shot up and looked around.

"We're on a plane. High up in the sky. Miles away from the ground. Miles in the sky." She said frantically. I grabbed her shoulders and whipped her around.

"Calm down. You aren't dead yet and you're not going to die anytime soon." I reassured her and she calmed.

"Thank you." She said quietly. She sank back into her chair. I grabbed her hand and squeezed.

"I'll do anything to help you love." I whispered sweetly. She smiled and leaned in my chest.

"I love you Max." She said

"I love you too Stella." I said.

"Thank you for flying with us and I hope you have a great day." The pilot said and the door opened. I'll take that as a success.

"Did you do that on purpose so I don't freak out?" She asked, looking up at me.

"All my actions has reasons and thats an question that does not have an answer." I said.

"I have this worst headache." She groaned and got up.

"Need some painkillers?" I asked.

"Your not allowed to have some I think."

"If not than I'm really good at sneaking things." I laughed. I grabbed her luggage and mine also. This time she didn't protest.

"Ready for Pax?!" Adam yelled. I laughed an smiled.

"Yessssss!" Ross and Tim yelled at the same.

Let's get PaxMax ready.

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