Chapter 38

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Max P.O.V.

"She needs to go to the hospital Max." Adam said, picking up his phone. I stared at Stella. She was conscious, breathing. But not responding to anything. Alesa went to get Mason from somewhere.

"No." I said. Adam looked at me with pity.

"Max I know it's hard. Let me call the ambulance." He said. My eyes watered. My baby. I dont know what's wrong. I know that she is having a panic attack. I didn't know it was this bad. She leaned on me, shaking. Eyes open, tears running down her face.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked him. Ross and Adam was the only ones who have panic and anxiety attacks. Is it this bad for them?

"The only thing I can thin of is that she is having a full blown panic attack." He said. I sighed and brought Stella closer to me.

"No." I whispered. He sighed and put down his phone. She will be okay.

Stella P.O.V.

You should have told them sooner. Your depression is coming back. Why were you so stupid? You deserve to die. Your worthless. What is wrong with you? Your choking. Your suffocating. Your dead. Just leave. Leave this world. Never look back. The world is better off without you. No one like you. You were born a mistake. Go kill yourself. If you died nobody would care.

Someone was holding me. Those thoughts were getting yelled at me. Who's saying that? I felt warmth as the person held me. I focused on that. I just want to get out. To take the pain away. I'm going crazy.

Ross P.O.V.

I couldn't stand her like this. She suffering. I know what she is going through right now. I've ad a full blown panic attack before. It was the worst experience of my life. It took me a whole day to recover from it. I know hers is worse. I could hear, and see everything. Stella is conscious but not responding to anything. I never had it that bad. And neither had Adam.

Barney, Red and I were outside of the room. We all couldn't take it. I just wonder what happened.

"She is going to be okay right?" Red asked. I looked up from the floor and looked at him.

"I'm not going to lie. I don't know the answer to the question." I said quietly. I really don't know if she will be okay or not. We at have to take her to the hospital. The reason why we haven't yet is that when Adam and I had a full blown panic attack, we didn't need hospitalized. Maybe Stella will need to go. I just want her to come back.

Stella P.O.V.

I just want to get out of here. It feels like I've been in this hell hole forever. I can't take it.

"Come back to me." Someone whispered. I stopped moving. Who was that? Is it over? But why does it still hurt? I held my breath, hoping to hear that voice again. My vision went in and out. I can see glimpses of people. I can't make out their features but they feel familiar. I hope it's Max. I need him right now. I know one of them is Max because he is always here for me, even when I don't need it.

"Stella?" The voice said again. I stopped thinking and focused on the voice again. My hearing is coming back because I can hear side conversations also. I think Adam and Alesa are talking. My numbness went away, I could feel everything now. A hand was holding my hand and I squeezed it.

"Adam." It said again. He stopped talking. The voice stopped taking for awhile and I missed it. I couldn't find the way out of this again. Worthless. No no no. I can't go back. I squeezed the hand tighter and tighter.

"Stella. Baby. I'm here. I've always been here. It's okay." He said. I ignored the thoughts running through the my kind and focused back in the Max's voice.

My vision was blurry but it wasn't black anymore. I blinked a couple of times to get it back to normal. Everyone, and I mean everyone was staring at me. I can't believe I'm out. My chest hurts but I'm alive. I started to cry. Max pulled me in and comforted me. They all looked so worried. I worried them. I worried Ross. He's my brother. He looks so conflicted.

I realized what happened earlier and looked at Alesa and Emily. "He did it." I croaked out. They both looked confused.

"Who did what?" Emily asked.

"Christopher did this." I whispered. Max tensed as I said a mans name.

"What did he do?" Max asked. I didn't need to look to know that we was angry. I sat up and took a deep breath. It feels like I'm in a different body. I don't feel like myself anymore.

"The bartender tried to drug me. Take me to his house and rape me." I said quietly. Ross gasped and flew out of his chair. Max whirled me around to face him. I got dizzy from the sudden movement and steadied myself from his hands.

"Sorry." He said and continued. "Who stopped you? How did you know this?"

"I met a guy that told me. He saved me from drinking the water that Christopher gave me." I answered. He nodded and hugged me again. I started to cry again.

I don't want to go back. I don't ever want to have a snickers attack again. I wonder if Ross or Adam ever had an experience like this. I have to ask them. I can't have another one.

"I'm going to bed." I mumbled. Max nodded and picked me up. Alesa left with Mason awhile ago. Adam had his head in his hands. I stopped Max and made him set me down. I waited till I wasn't dizzy anymore and walked towards Adam.

"Adam?" I whispered. He looked up with puffy eyes. "What's wrong?"

"If you didn't know that he was going to do that, he could have gotten Alesa also." He said.

God damn. I never thought of that. "Well he didn't. And he won't." I said. He smiled and nodded. I stood back up and realized that everyone was gone except for Adam and Ross. I saw Ross and practically flew into his arms. He was surprised for a moment but then hugged he back.

"I'm okay." I said.

"No your not. We'll talk in the morning." He said and let go of me.

I was exhausted. Today was a long day. I walked towards Max until I completely fell. I couldn't walk anymore. My legs are tired. My whole body is tired. I allowed myself to go asleep when Max picked me up.

"I love you" was the last thing I heard.

Your welcome. My gawd Adrianna_Thomas_05

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