Chapter 12

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He sighed and explained what happened.

"I wanted to be nice for once and do something for you. I bought you a bouquet of flowers with a card in it and a cup of coffee. Then idiot Adam came up and ran into me on purpose! They flowers got ruined the coffee spilled all over me and all that's left is this card. He handed me the card. I took it and set it to the side.

"I'm sorry Stella. It was suppose to hit Adam." He said regretful.

"But still, you had no reason to hit him." I said, tears filling in my eyes. Am I crying? His eyes widened and engulfed me in his arms.

"You didn't have to throw the punch. You could have hurt me a lot worse then you've already have." I said crying in his arms. He held me tighter and I felt good.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered. I stopped crying as my headache worsened.

"Just get out." I said quietly. He looked at me confused, i pointed to the door, not wanting him see me break down.

"Get. Out." I said in a voice I didn't recognize. He nodded and got up and left. I fell in my chair and started off in space.

Why did I do that? I didn't want him to leave. Why do I always have to push away the ones I love? I love Max? It wasn't his fault, he just wanted to be nice. I felt bad for pushing him away. I lied at the card that he gave me and opened it.

Your smile
Your eyes
Your lips
Your hair
Your voice
Your laugh
Your hands
Your smirk
Your teasing
Your humor
Your weird face
The way you walk
The way you say my name
The way you look
The way you talk
Your signing
Your dancing
Your body

Stella you are the most amazing girl I've ever met. I love everything about you. Don't let anybody tell you different. I'm sorry I acted like a douche at times. I just didn't know what to say.


By the end of that I was crying again. I didn't realize that someone was at my door.

"Perfect timing! I'm guessing you read the note" Adam said holding a camera. I looked up and hid my face.

"Adam! Ever heard of knocking?" I spit out. I glared at him, and he laughed.

"I'm just an innocent guy, vlogging." He said nonchalantly. I shook my head and wiped my eyes.

"I'm not crying." I lied and walked out of my office. I walked straight for Max. I came up behind him and hugged him. He turned around and looked surprised.

"Thank you." I said and buried my face in his chest. He smelled like Old Spice cologne. Manly cologne.

"For what?" He asked, accepting the the hug.

"The card." I answered, letting go. I looked down embarrassed because everyone was staring at us. He grabbed my chin gently and made me stared in his eyes. His brown eyes shined in the light. They held a promise saying that he will love me with everything me he has. He wiped away my tears, and leaned in to kiss me. *@#*@#%! I'm not ready. Am I? No I can't. I can. No. I pulled away before he could kiss me. Everybody gasped. His face turned to hurt.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I mean I can, but I can't." I quickly said, he let go of me out of hurt. This may be the most embarrassing thing I've ever been through. I looked at everybody in offices, faces were confused, shock but I lost it when I say Adam's and Alesa's face. Full of disappointment. I ran outside to get out of there. I'm so dumb. I ran and ran and ran. Why did I do that? I wanted to kiss him. Stella, you are the stupidest person alive! I ran straight for the only thing I knew would help.

I arrived at a small town bridge, just outside of Bellevue. I used to go here all the time to clear my head. It's freezing out here and I forgot to get gloves and a hat. I sat on the ledge and leaned back on one of the pillars.

I need to be stronger then this. I need to be my old self. Before the guys came into my life I was sassy and pissed off easier. Now I cry and get very emotional. Whats wrong with me?

Time skip after a couple of hours brought to you by Kim Kardashian-West.

Max's P.O.V

"I can't find her!" I yelled at Adam through the phone.

"We'll find her." He said reassuringly. I let out a frustrating growled and hung up the phone. I have been driving nonstop for hours now trying to find her. I have looked everywhere in Bellevue. Could she have left the city? She can't run that fast. Ross and John is in my car helping me find Stella. Adam, Alesa and Tim went somewhere else to look. Ethan and Jason stayed just in case she came back to the office.

Ring Ring

I picked.up my phone to see you it was.


I slammed on my brakes causing both of my friends to fly forward in their seats.

"What the hell man?" Ross yelled

"Shut up." I yelled and answered the phone. "Stella, where-" I started but got interrupted by her.

"Max. I need help." She said quickly. My heart bested faster.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you?" I asked, trying to understand what's happening.

"I-i. I. Can't. Breathe. Panic. Attack." She said in between gasps. I cussed and started my car up again.

"Where are you?" I asked, telling the guys to hold on to their seats.

"The bridge outside of the city. Please. Hurry." She said, quietly.

"Stay on the phone Stella." I commanded. I couldn't hear anything from her end. I sped towards the bridge, hoping I'm not to late. Ross already called Adam, filling him in.

"Stella?" I said, she didn't answer and I heard an bang on her end.

"Stella!" I yelled, nothing. Zilch. Nada. I cursed and increased my speed. I silently prayed for no cops right now.

"Calm down. We will get there on time." Ross said calmly.

"How can you now? You don't know everything Ross!" I yelled frustrated. I looked at him with regret. "I'm sorry, I just."

"Nah, I get it man. I would be like that to for someone I love."

"I don't love her. I like her very very much. There's a difference." I countered. He laughed.

"Mans you gots the hots for hers." John said, laughing. I faked laughed and smiled. They can bring me up in a dark mood.

Five minutes later and we are already across the city. Record time I think. I went towards the bridge very fast. Adam said they just arrived to Stella.

"You need to hurry up man. It's bad." He said quietly.

"What do you mean bad?" I asked raising my voice.

"Look for yourself." He said as he say me drive up. I didn't even turn off the car, and I ran towards them. I saw what I never wanted to see in hundreds of years.

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