Chapter 27

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Ross P.O.V.

*Few days after last chapter*

Stella and Max has been at each other for the past 3 days. I guess that's their way of flirting. I've never seen to people get so close to a fist fight before. Everyday. Every hour. Every minute. They drive me crazy.

"Get your shit off of my stuff!" Stella yelled.

"Go fuck yourself!" Max yelled back. Adam came in my office and sarcastically put a finger gun to his head. I laughed and nodded.

"I swear they are going to start World War 3!" Adam exclaimed.

"I think they already started it," I said pointed my finger to them. Stella grabbed his beanie and threw it across the room. Max growled and tackled Stella. Adam sighed and went to break them up. I laughed as they still fought when Adam and Tim pulled them away. I went back to work. Working on scripts for Redstoner. I can already tell today will be a long day

*wink wink*

Stella P.O.V.

I hate him. I fucking hate him. I have personal space! He's violated it! He's so annoying!

Max P.O.V.

I hate her. I fucking hate her. She stole some of my stuff! Stole it! She's so annoying!

Adam P.O.V.

I hate both of them. I fucking hate both of them. What is wrong with them? I love them to death but they just need to get laid already! They are so annoying!

Tim P.O.V.

I just wanted to have my own P.O.V. I love those two fighting, it's funny. I really don't care, I get my work done.

I had to break the fourth wall. Sorry!

Max P.O.V.

I stormed out of the office trying to keep my temper under control. Why are we fighting so much? I hate fighting with her. I love her but it's complicated. Like every relationship. I paced back and forth down the sidewalk. What is wrong with me? What is wrong with her? She is so annoying sometimes. Am I annoying? I don't know what I did to her! I leaned on the brick and sighed. My hands were in my pocket cause it was chilly. What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if she hates me. Like actually hate me? Fuck. I hate not being in control. This is why I'm never in relationships, they are always complicated.

Stella P.O.V.

After lunch

"Just picture it. Adam has one leg in a pant leg and Ross is in the other!" Emily said. What is wrong with her? She's such a blonde, I love it.

"They wouldn't even be able to walk. Adam and Ross aren't coordinated together" I answered, taking a sip of my Pepsi.

"But they can hold on to each other and crawl!" I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

"Well why aren't we-"

"Max! Stella! Office now!" Adam yelled. I looked at Emily and she shrugged. I got up and quickly walked to his office. Max came in right after me. Adam shut the door and turned around.

"I'm not pissed but this needs to be confronted. I'm sick and tired of you two fighting all day. Some of us are trying to work and all we hear is you two fighting outside of our offices. Your two figure this out or I'll do it for you." He said and walked out. What the hell? Max and I just stared at each other Doing nothing.

"I'm sorry," Max finally said. I was confused. Sorry for what? "I didn't know I was being such a dick. I don't know what has gotten in me."

"Woah, woah. I think I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm the one who starts the fights, I'm the one who gets you angry." I whispered. He shook his head and stood up.

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