Chapter 57

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Dave P.O.V. (Stella's Father)

I woke up by my beautiful lady. Better then that old hag that I had my embarrassment daughter in. To be honest I totally forgot her name. Stacey? Selena? Sabrina? Stella! That's it! I should have burned down the office that her friends work in. But I changed my mind, like someone was talking to me. It was weird so I walked away and it stopped. But whatever.

"Good morning." My beautiful angel said. I smiled and kissed her.

"Hey babe." I said. My voice was dry as how bad we got drunk last night. Oh boy that was great. I got up and turned on the TV. There wasn't anything special in so I got on my phone. I stalk my daughter's YouTube channel to see how bad she is. Oh my gosh she's horrible. No wonder why she was a mistake. I scrolled down to the comments and a lot of them caught my eyes.

Get better soon Stella.

We all are here for you.

We miss you!

What the hell happened? Did she get into a car accident? Is she dead? I hope not. I may act like I hate Stella but she's my baby girl and I love her. I'm a douche. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Reality hit me like a brick. Literally a brick hit me. I looked up and our shack house thing was falling in.

"Honey!" I yelled. "Get out! The house is falling in!" I heard a thud and she came out of the bedroom. Her eyes widened and she ran out if the house. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed some clothes. I was about to get out when a picture caught my eye. It was of Clara, Stella and I. I looked at it and grabbed it. I ran out of the house right when the roof collapsed. I watched it as it fell and shook my head. I hated that house anyway. I went up to my lady and reached for my wallet. I gotta get my mind straight and it starts with her.

"Baby I can't do this anymore." I stated.

"Davey sweetie. Don't worry. We'll find another house." She said sweetly. I shook my head and pulled out a wad of cash.

"Here take this. I'm leaving you, I need to get to my daughter." I said. She rolled her eyes, took the cash and walked away. Now that she's gone. Let's go.

I needed to get myself cleaned up. I look like a football player after field day. But first I need more money. Good thing I've been saving some in the bank. I got in my car and drive to the nearest ATM. I got $1000 out and went to get new clothes.

Time skip brought to you by Cleveland Cavaliers. 2016 NBA Champions. Go Cavs!

A couple suit and tie. New shoes and some outfits. I know that Stella will probably not ever forgive me but I'll try. I made the biggest mistake of my life and that was taking my first drink of alcohol. That's when I went crazy. Gosh I regret so many things. Clara died because of me. I can't dwell on the past. It's time to look for the future. I gotta try to become the father that Stella always needed. The one that she had until the alcohol took over.

I went to the apartment I rented. I never told anybody about this because I didn't want it to become a crack house. It's a really nice apartment so I keep it clean as I can. I'm here most of the day except when I was out with my lady, which name should not be spoken, or drinking. I haven't token a shower in days and I stink so bad. My beard is taking I've my face and I need to shave it. I needed to look presentable for Stella. She's my only daughter. God I'm a douche. A fucking duck. What the hell happened to me? My phone buzzed and it one of my buddies.

"Hello?" I said drying myself off.

"Yo you know Stella is in the hospital right?" He said. My eyes widened. Hospital? What?

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