Chapter 17

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"Ah!" I screamed as a jumpscare came out. I flew out of my chair and onto the floor. Ross jumped a bit and laughed. "Fuck this shit. I didn't sign up for getting fucking scared. Ross your a fucking dick for having me here. Go to fucking hell and don't ever ask me to do a fucking horror map every again. Fuck all of this shit!" I ranted and stood up. I walked out of the office and slammed the door. God, I hate being fucking the scared of that shit. I shook my head and took a deep breath. I got a water bottle ot of the fridge and opened the door.

"You came back." Ross stated while still playing the game.

"Shut up" I said, mumbling. I walked over and sat in chair.

"Well your in luck cause I finished the map." He said and did his outro. He told me to say bye to everyone and I did what I always do. I put the finger up. I laughed as he stopped the recording. He sent it to the editors and started to clean up.

"So what's up with you and Max?" He asked when he was about done. I sighed, it has to come out one way or another.

"I don't really now. He doesn't talk to me anymore. Hes getting bitchier. I just miss him. Like he is being such a douche right now. Everything happened after Mike." I stopped remembering those thoughts. I couldn't even do anything. Ross hugged me, knowing that those thoughts haunted me. He got tense as I started tearing up.

"I'm going to kill Max." He promised. I laughed and smiled. I broke the hug because I couldn't break down now. I'm not going to breakdown anymore.

"I'm fine." I reassured him. "I'm fine."

Time skip to the next day brought to you by Earl the 3 star chef.

I woke up with yelling outside my door. Ross and I didn't do a lot after the video. We went to McDonalds and just talked. We've grown close since I've came here, he's like a brother to me.

"YOU MADE HER CRY MAX!" Ross screamed. I sat straight up, listening to what they were saying. Why me? Why does it always have to be me? "What is wrong with you man? You're not like this!" He continued. I sighed and got out of my bed. I'm not going to deal with this now. I turned the water to the shower on and got undressed. The yelling continued but I tuned them out. I got in the shower but not too long after I heard a thud. The yelling stopped. I got out of the shower, wondering what that was. I threw some clothes on and ran downstairs.

Ross was on the ground and Max hovered over him. I ran over to them and pushed Max out of the way. "What happened?" I asked, bending down to Ross. He was out cold. I looked up at Max and his eyes showed regret. "What did you do, Max?" I grounded out. If he did this I'm going to kill him. He was about to answer until Ross groaned. I looked back down and his eyes were open.

"Stella?" He asked, confused. He looked at Max and back to me. "I'm sorry man. I went to far."

"Ross, stop. I was the one who took it too far." Max said. I was still confused but I let it go, for now. I helped Ross up onto the couch and he didn't look hurt.

"Tell me what happened now." I commanded to Max and Ross. They both looked at each other and sighed.

"I was pissed on what Max was doing to you. You were devastated and I couldn't take it. I was trying to figure out why and I took a comment too far." Ross explained.

"Ross, I was the one who punched you. I didn't mean to go all MadMax on you." Max replied, laughing. I shook my head and laughed.

"You two are really something. Just try not to knock someone else out Max. Ross be careful, I don't want to witness a blackout." I stated and got ready. There are still things they aren't telling me. I let it go, saving that for another conversation. I texted Adam, updating him what happened. He wasn't surprised that Max knocked out Ross. I wonder if it happens often. I shook the thought off and walked back downstairs. Tim was now out of his bedroom, looking as awake as a hibernating bear. We all got into Max's car because mine was smaller than his. We got my car from Subway a little while ago.

When we got to the office, everybody was already there. Usually, John is the last one to the office, but he was here before us. I walked beside Ross, making sure he is okay. I haven't talked to Max yet and I don't know when I will. I walked up the stairs, smiling at the memory of Max and I falling.

"Why are you smiling?" Ross asked, stopping at the top.

"Just a memory," I said and walked into the office. I glanced behind me and saw Max smirking at me. Oh how I miss him.

"Oh shit! Ross, we have a meeting today!" Tim exclaimed, rushing into the office. All of them cursed and rushed in after him. I shrugged and followed. Max was about to talk to Adam.

"Adam! Sorry we're late, we-" Adam interrupted him.

"I already know. Stella told me." He said, looking over to me. I smiled faintly and sat down in an empty chair. Unfortunately, I sat in between Max and Ross. I'll probably be the one who gets punched.

"You ight' Ross?" Adam asked, looking over to him. I glanced at him and he nodded. I knew he was lying because he was tapping his leg. Something is always wrong when he taps his leg, and Adam knew that. I nodded my head, knowing what Adam was asking me to do. He started the meeting, going over the financial and growth of the office. I put my hand on Ross's leg, making him stop tapping on his leg. He gave me a apologetic glance and I smiled. He put his hand on top of mine, not flirting, but comforting. We both needed it and we were comforting each other.

"Stella. You and Max need to make more videos together. Your perfect for the drama and rage part of the videos. It will boast your content. You don't have to worry about yours Max." Adam said, pulling me back into reality. I sighed and nodded. Might as well try to go back to normal. Ross squeezed my hand in reassuring motion. I heard an unpleasant growl from Max and we let each other hands go. I hope he knows there is nothing going on between us. Ross is a brother. I looked at Max and he was glaring at me but I knew he was plotting death for Ross. I smiled at him and he squinted his eyes and turned away.

"Anyway. We are going to do more vlogs and challenge videos because the viewers love those." Adam continued. We all nodded, except Max. He was still pissed.

"Meeting adjourned," Scott said and we left  the room. I was walking back to my office when Max blocked my door.

"Excuse me," I said and tried to move him out of the way. He didn't budge and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me in my office and locked the door. I pulled away from his grip and backed away.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked. I looked at hi., like he was on something.

"What are you smoking? Your the one who is being an ass." I grounded out. He rolled his eyes and sat in my chair.

"You can't just flirt with Ross and not care. I was sitting right beside you!" He yelled. I gritted my teeth, not wanting to go off on him.

"I wasn't flirting. Something was wrong and I wanted to help him. We are like siblings. So don't you dare make assumptions that you don't know half the truth about." I yelled back. There was a knock on the door.

"Go away!" We both yelled. He dragged his hand through his hair.

"What happened Max? Why are you like this?" I asked, quietly. I have up and plopped on the floor. He sighed and got up. He plopped down beside me.

"I just can't figure you out. I couldn't help you when Mike-" he stopped abruptly. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Max, stop. You are probably hurting me more than Mike did." I stated and realized that it was true. Mike tried to kiss me, when I said no but Max never comforted me when I needed him.

"Stella. I'm sorry. I feel like an even bigger douche now." He said, eyes filling with regret. I smiled faintly and shook my head.

"It's ok." I whispered. I knew he would hate it if I didn't forgive him. I do, I think. I hope I do. I love Max. As a friend. Stop lying to yourself. I sighed and looked at Max. He was looking down at me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered again.

"Stop Max." I said, faking annoyance. He laughed and pulled me closer.

"Your beautiful. Your perfect." He said, kissing me. This moment was perfect. I closed my eyes and let my mind take over. His embrace was warm and I loved it. I love him.

Steal A Heart ~ A Mithzan Fan Fictonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن