Chapter 30

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2300 words today! Your welcome!

Stella P.O.V.

Four thirty and is time for a meet and great in Seattle. My birthday has been going great so far. I opened some mail and got different type of presents. I finished the videos for today early. I'm the only one who actually works here.

I shut off my computer and monitor. I grabbed my jacket and phone and headed out of my office. Everyone was waiting on Adam, Ross, Max and Barney to finish up a video. I sat beside Emily and Tim.

"I feel like shit." Em said, laying back.

"What's wrong?" I asked putting my feet of on Tim.

"I'm not your feet rester." Tim said, pushing my feet off. I put them back on and glared at him playfully.

"You are now." I shut back and looked back over to Emily.

"It's that time of month again," she whispered, so only I can hear. I laughed. Cramps. Those stuck. I'm sorry for every lay friends so had to go through cramps. I know what you are going through. I got up and went back to my office. I grabbed some painkillers and gave some to her. She thanked me and the guys walked out of their office.

"Ready?" Adam asked, arms out with a smile. We nodded and went to our cars. I wanted to ride with style so I ran to Adam's car. Luckily Alesa brought Bubbles to ride in with Mason.

"Wait what?" Max asked as he saw thatch wasn't by his car.

"I dressed hot today so I wanted to ride in style." I said, getting in the car. Adam shrugged and started it. Max frowned but let it go. He started the and rolled down the roof. He handed me a pair of sunglasses and put his on.

"Lets ride." I said, putting my seatbelt on. He pulled out and let everyone in front of him.

"I like to arrive last." He said when I looked at him weird. I rolled my eyes and turned up the radio. Nikki Manaj, my main girl. I turned it up louder and started singing the song. More like rapping. Adam phone rang and went to turn down the music. I slapped his hand and glared at him. He laughed and answered it. Thank goodness it was not something business type. It's just Max.

"Hello!" Adam yelled so he can hear him. Max said something and Adam laughed.

"Max said he can hear the music from all the way up there." Adam yelled

"Well tell Max to fuck off." I yelled back. He laughed and told him that. Apparently he hung up because Adam put his phone down. My favorite part was coming up and I turned it up.

"Pull up in the monster
automobile gangster
with a bad bitch that came from Sri Lanka
yeah I'm in that Tonka, color of Willy Wonka
you could be the King but watch the Queen conquer
OK first things first I'll eat your brains
then I'mma start rocking gold teeth and fangs
cause that's what a motherfucking monster do
hairdresser from Milan, that's the monster do
monster Giuseppe heel that's the monster shoe
Young Money is the roster and the monster crew
and I'm all up all up all up in the bank with the funny face
and if I'm fake I ain't notice cause my money ain't" (Monster from Kanye West

I finished her part and looked over to Adam. He was staring at me but still keeping an eye on the road. "What are you? How can you say word to word from Nikki Manaj? How?"

"I just happen to like this song," I said, smiling. He snorted and chuckled.

"No shit."

I rolled my eyes and sang along to another song. We pulled up to the curb behind the rest of the office. I took my glasses off and got out. I pulled my dress down and walked to the guys. They all were staring at me and I smiled.

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