2.1 - Unwanted

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The normally fluffy white clouds were tainted grey, the heavenly statues and pillars of our town were wrecked.

The usual bustling streets of my afterlife were barren and deserted, as though they had been vacated quickly.

I looked around in despair, feeling tears stinging my eyes and a tugging in my heart as I fell to my knees in the ground.

"What's going on?" Rena asked as the rest of the group looked around much like I had, whilst Michael had dropped to my side, nestling my sobbing head against his chest.

"It's going to be ok Angel, you have us," Michael whispered into my ear as I sobbed into his shirt, the abandonment invading my mind like the tears invaded the cloth of his tshirt.

"What if it's not? I belong here, this is all I've ever known," I manage to mumble out through my tears as he hushed me down.

"We're going to wander, see if we can find out why it's like this," Luke informed from where he had crouched down beside me and I nodded, not really paying attention as the four figures wandered off, leaving me with Michael.

"I'm not abandoning you Angela, never," He whispered as he sat down and crossed his legs, bringing me in between them and keeping me held tight to his chest.

"Promise?" I looked up into his deep green eyes as he nodded, placing a light kiss to my forehead.

"I promise," He whispered as he rested our foreheads against each other and I sighed, leaving a peck on his cheek before resting my head on his shoulder and letting my eyes flutter closed.


I hadn't even realised I'd fallen asleep when I was being gently shaken awake, my eyes opening reluctantly and being met with Michael's dusty grey eyes.

"What happened?" I asked as I glanced around, finding that Ashton, Luke, Calum and Rena had joined us once more.

"We found a note stating that because they had been infiltrated by the underworlders, the heavenly council ruled for a move. I'm so sorry Angela, they're gone," Luke explained and I nodded, silenced by shock as I stiff up from where I still lay in Michael's lap, ungracefully stumbling my way to the edge of my hometown where I had first opened the portal for us to get here.

"Angel, what are you doing?" Michael's deep voice was clear with confusion from behind me as I didn't look back at the group, stating down at my feet below me.

"I'm unwanted. What's the point in staying where I'm unwanted?" I said in a monotonous voice, not noticing he was standing beside me once more.

"Love, you are never unwanted ok? We all want you, you're one of us now, whatever we are," He chuckled lightly as he looked back to his-our friends.

"Really?" I looked up at him, willing the fresh tears not to fall as he pulled me into his chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Really, now, let's blow this joint," He whispered, leaving the lightest of kisses to my lips before turning to the rest of our group of misfits.

"Let's go home."

"Where's home?"

"When we're together, that's all the home we need."

Hell's Angels // m.g.c.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz