1.2 - The Magic Word

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It had been about an hour since we had reached the edge of circle three and were once again sat in our circle, planning what to do. As the hours of travelling had progressed, I had found myself opening up to the group more, joining in conversations and trying to help with strategies if nothing else.

"Do you think Helena will be waiting for you?" Rena directed her question to Ashton, who's face fell into a deep frown as he sadly shook his head.

"I highly doubt it, she seems to not want to have anything to do with me," He explained, and Rena and Calum both nodded in understanding. However, I couldn't stop the words from slipping from my mouth.

"Who is Helena?" I asked curiously, looking beside me as Michael shifted uncomfortably and gave me an awkward glance.

"She's the reason I'm here," Ashton took a heavy sad breath before continuing. "She was the love of my life in the human world, but was doomed to a fate here because of one mistake," He began and I nodded, trying to keep along and not speak, letting him finish his story.

"So, to spare her from this fate, I agreed to become one of the castle slaves. Worked a spell that would stop her from getting into much more trouble. But she disregarded me after that," There were a few tears in his eyes as Luke rubbed the wizard's back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry, Ashton," I said but he shook his head at me with a small smile.

"There's nothing you can do about it Angela. If helping you is what it takes to get back to the human world, then I am more than happy to oblige." His charming smile didn't falter and I nodded, trying to relax against the boulder I was leaning on.

"Will we stick together once we reach the human world?" Luke asked nervously after a few beats of silence and everyone turned to him, some saddened, some shocked.

"Of course Luke, we're in this together until the end," Calum reassured, and everyone mumbled their agreements.

"You guys have done so much for me already and I promise you, that once we reach the human world, I will make sure no one gets left behind," I piped up, earning a few smiles from around the circle.

"Anyways, enough sentimentality," Calum chuckled as he stood up, grabbing some food reserves. "Let's eat and then rest for the journey ahead," He said, and everyone held their cans up as a means of toasting to our survival.

Almost there.



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