1.7 - Fallen

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After a short rest, we made our way past the boundary of lust and to the final stretch.

"It's a mile long walkway to the gates. Then Ash will get us out," Rena explained and I nodded, keeping my walking pace behind Michael who hadn't spoken a word to me in three hours.

As needy as it was, I missed even the simple small phrases of encouragement that he used to whisper into my ear when it was obvious I was struggling.

"You should talk to him, don't want to leave things on a bad foot," Calum encouraged with a nod in Michael's direction and I sighed with a shrug, unable to think for myself.

"Michael, please talk to me," I picked up my pace to keep up with his tall frame as he strode on, not relenting from anyone.

He turned his face from me and I knew what I had to do. I gripped onto his elbow, planting my feet into the ground and stopping us both, causing the rest of the group to stare at us.

Michael turned on his feet, his green eyes angrily blazing into mine as we stood there, staring each other down.

"What's your problem?" I asked, breaking the deafening silence.

"What's my problem?!" He retorted incredulously.

"My problem is that we have trekked all this way and plan to trek further to save your precious little ass from dying down here. My problem is that you're not even showing the slightest hint of gratitude for it either. And my problem is that I've fallen for you Angela and I don't even remotely want that to be true," He shouted over the wind, causing me to wince back and look up at him, my own heated eyes boring into his.

"Well you know what Michael? At least we're on the same page because I can feel myself falling for you and I hate myself for it because you are just a self centred little prick who doesn't even deserve it!" I screamed back in anger, something I would have never of done before this whole ordeal started.

"Oh will you just fucking kiss already," I heard Ashton groan from behind me, and before I knew it, a pair of soft lips were attatched to my own.

My fingertips brushed along Michael's short stubble on his jaw as our lips moved in sync, and my eyes fluttered close as I felt one of his large hands on the back of my neck.

All too soon, the kids had ended and I was looking at Michael in shock, my eyes as wide as saucers as I became aware of what had happened.

"This can't happen," Michael stated quietly before beginning to walk again, head down as he led our group who began to trail slowly behind him.

"Give him time, he's processing feelings he's never had to deal with before," Luke reasoned and I nodded, keeping my own head down as we walked, wishing for nothing more than the ground to swallow me whole.

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