0.5 - The Escape Plan

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"And how would you propose we do that?" I asked skeptically, trying to look in his eyes but he was avoiding my gaze.

"Well, if I can talk Luke and Calum into helping us, maybe create a distraction or something, then we just need to leave. It's getting you to survive the wasteland after that's the problem," Michael sighed.

"W-wasteland?" I croaked, mouth drying completely at the thought. What did he mean by it?

"Between here and heaven is the human world, which we need to get to. And between here and the human world is a desert wasteland that holds all the trapped souls of eternity who weren't good enough for your place," He explained with a cringe and I nodded, staying silent from fear.

"So, the wasteland is where we need to go?"

"Yeah. Right, I need to go sort some things out, see if we can actually get help to do this."

"Why are you helping me?" I asked him, confused as to why the devil's own son was attempting to help me deceive him.

"Because, as much as this is home for me, I can't be here. I need to go, explore the different worlds. Despite what you may think about me and my father, I'm not evil," he sighed, before leaving out one of the doors as Rena came in from another.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," I smiled as I followed her back through the grotty steel walkways to our chambers.

"I know," she chuckled cockily as we each got back to our cells.

"Michael told me telepathically about the plan," she mentioned as we each took a seat on the cold metal bench.

"You'll come?" I asked hopefully. Rena was the closest being I had to a friend in this literal hell hole.

"Of course, I want to get back to the human world, whatever it may take. And I can convince Calum," she smiled reassuringly, reapplying some red lipstick.

"Really?" I asked wide eyed, not quite believing that people were willing to help me.

"Really. Plus, once Cal's on side, Luke will follow like that," she stated as she clicked her fingers.

I nodded, looking down at my hands, missing the sparkle that would follow them when I was at home, sending good souls up.

"It's to happen tomorrow, so we better get some rest," Rena suggested as she made her way to the door to go to her own room.

"I know you're probably really excited but try to get some sleep, ok Angela?" I simply nodded at her words, watching as she closed the door and shivering at the sounds of the lock clicking in the door.

It was going to be a long night.

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