1.3 - Circle Four

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"Right, moods are going to change in this penultimate circle," Calum warned as we stepped out into the swamp land that was completely opposite of the bloody waste land we had travelled through the day before.

"What does he mean?" I asked Michael quietly as he had never left my side for the last 24 hours it seemed, apart from to do obvious things like relieve his bladder. He shrugged before leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"This is the circle of anger, it may cause us to become more angry," He explained and I begrudgingly nodded, keeping quiet as we walked past bogs and through trees. Vines seem to drape from everywhere, and the air was hot and humid.

"Second last circle squad, we got this," Rena continued to try and stay positive and I could do nothing other than mentally applaud her. I knew I was crumbling on the inside.

"You don't have to be so chirpy all the time," Ashton uncharacteristically snapped at the girl, who for a moment looked saddened, before continuing to walk hand in hand with Calum, ignoring Ashton's remarks.

"Like that," Michael gestured to the situation that had just occurred and I nodded, beginning to understand the changing moods process.

"Well, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't even be here. She isn't even one of us," Luke pointed an accusing finger at me as the group stopped walking altogether, staring each other down. I fought back the tears as the group all stood there, taking in my figure and judging me with every glance.

"You leave her alone," Michael warned lowly as he stepped out in front of me and faced them all defiantly. I tapped his shoulder, shaking my head at him to just leave it.

"We're so close guys and we aren't just going to throw it all away just because something in the air is giving us mood swings. We are a united front and divided we will crumble," I spoke up, earning a smile from Michael and a few reluctant nods from the others as Rena and Calum began to walk ahead once more, thrashing a path through the vines for us to walk.

"You know, you're actually alright for an angel," Michael smirked as we walked, hand never leaving mine. I felt as though it was more of a reassurance to him now than it was to me.

"And you're alright for a demon, I suppose," I replied cockily with a grin as we walked, brushing the odd few blond locks of hair from my forehead when they became pasted there from the thick layer of sweat that was beginning to coat my bare skin due to the humidity.

There were a few grumbles from the group ahead of us as they walked, but nothing too major, and we were soon getting to a thinner area of the swamp, signifying that we were reaching the end of the circle. These day long treks had began to feel like they flowed by effortlessly by, but I wasn't quite sure if that was because of the company or not.

But I wasn't going to complain about becoming closer to Michael. He seemed to get it. To get me.

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