[11] forever

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The birds were chirping outside my window, and I woke up with a grin on my face. Today was the day. We had already talked about our feelings, but I wanted this to be official, and big. 

It was Saturday, and I was jumping for joy. Finally. I have waited all my life for this.

I quickly sent a text to Riley:

Hey! Park at noon, where we sat and talked on our date.

She replied,

I'll be there.


It was 11:55 and I was shaking miserably. Maya, Lucas, Zay and Smackle were all in the distance, hiding behind trees. Smackle gave me a thumbs up, and I smiled. 

Here she comes, I thought. She wore a pink dress and knee high sandals. 

"Farkle?" She asked, laughing almost.

"Riley, I've loved you since the first grade. I am so glad you love me back and that we realized our feelings. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes, Farkle!" She squealed as she jumped into my arms. I kissed her sweetly. 

"One more thing," I said, giggling now. "Here is this necklace. It has a 'F' and an 'R' on it."

"Oh, Farkle!" She swiftly held it high and looked at it.

"We are forever," I said proudly. "We are always. Lets go take on the world." 


Hand in hand we left the park, and were greeted by the gang. Let me just say, so many hugs. 

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