[2] dates

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"Good morning, sunshine!" I said, while pulling the covers off of Riley.

She just whimpered.

"Riles! Up!" I said in a more serious voice. "You have a date with Lucas, remember?" This always worked, and it was true! Mini golf. Noon.

She jumped up, "Aha! You got me!"

"No seriously, remember?"

She checked her texts and agreed. "Outfit time?"

"Outfit time!" I smirked.


I'm pretty sure she tried on at least ten outfits before she concluded which one she'd wear.

"This one?" She asked while strutting out of her closet.

"Riles, all of them have been fine. It's just mini golf." I reminded her.

She finally chose a pair of jeans, a t-shirt that had a kitten on it, and some blue flats. Very Riley-ish, I thought.

"Now go! He is probably in your living room being bombarded by your father with questions and concerns." I tell her.

"Ok!" She replies.

"Have fun, be safe, be back by seven. I'll be here." I told her.

"Yeah, yeah, mom."

I laughed. Gotta love her.



All he did was talk about Maya. I'm serious. Maya did this, Maya said that.

I couldn't help but smile. They loved each other. They did, really. But yet, he chose me. Why? Because we must be the ones, because I fell into his lap.

You know who pushed me into this lap? Maya.

It had been one month of Lucas and I dating. I wish I could say it was perfect, but it wasn't.

My mind was racing while we played mini golf. "Riley?" How can I tell him, them? "Riley?" Who will I love? "Riley?" This is so confusing. "RILEY!"

"Uh, what?" I looked up to see a very confused Lucas.

"I was, uh, thinking."

"That intensely?" He questioned.

Tears welled in my eyes. I don't know why, they just did. I shouldn't be sad. This could solve everything. But also its me wanting to step back for Maya. Maybe I don't really like Lucas. But I don't want to hurt anyone, ever.

"I gotta go." I said, running out the back of the mini golf building.

Lucas looked so startled.

AFTER THE WAR ↠︎ a riarkle fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now