[4] truth

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It was Saturday morning, bright and early. I grabbed my phone and sent out a group message to Lucas, Maya, Farkle and I.

From Riley:
Meet me at Topanga's. Noon.


Just be honest, I thought to myself.

I sat in the café for what seemed like hours, waiting for my friends. Finally someone came in.

"Hey." the familiar voice says as he sits down next to me.

"Oh, hey, Farkle." I said, twiddling my hands.

"You ready?" He questioned.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but he swept them away with his hand. "Riles, you've got this! Tell them. At least it's not me telling them."

"Okay," He always makes me laugh.

Just then Lucas and Maya walked in.

"You had something to say?" Maya asked curiously, as her and Lucas sat down

I looked at Farkle, and he nodded to me. "Well, yes. Lucas, Maya, you guys are perfect for each other. I don't want to interfere.-"

Lucas cut me off, "Riley, I chose you. You're not interfering."

"You didn't let me finish." I said, tearing up. "I just don't think I have feelings for you anymore, Lucas. Especially when I know someone I love does. Maya,"


She sat there, waiting for me to respond. "I-I uh," I stuttered."Riley, you don't have to do this."

She squirmed in her chair a bit, "Maya, I am doing this for you, for Lucas, and for me."

Lucas looked at the ground and then up again, "So, we're through?"

Riley nodded. "You and Maya are perfect for each other, you know that, right?"

Lucas turned to me, "Well, you were my second choice. How 'bout it?" He winked at me and I grinned back.

I thought about it and decided to go with it since I had feelings for him anyway. "Why not, Huckleberry?"

Farkle jumped up, "Woo! That's over with."

Riley gave him a glare, "You didn't do anything but listen."

"Hey, hey, hey!" He began. "I was the encourager, aye?" He winked at Riley.

"Uh, Farkle, that was weird." I laughed and everyone joined in.

We chatted for a few more hours: about life, the end of the 'war', and food, of course. Finally we left, heading home for the night.

"See ya tonight for our sleepover!" I yelled.

She laughed, "Be on time, Hart!"

"Never late, Matthews!"

We laughed again and went our separate ways.

AFTER THE WAR ↠︎ a riarkle fanfic.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt