[6] double date

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I walked into school, skipping, for once. I had a plan. I went right up to Lucas, Riley and Farkle.

Riley grinned, "What happened to you, Peaches?"

"Oh no, wait," Lucas started. "Did you turn back into Riley, because if you did-"

I cut him off, "Ranger Rick, I'm me. Forever me."

"Well why were you skipping?" He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Because," I began. "I have an idea!" I turned to Riley. "Riles, you said last night that Lucas and I should go on a date to see if we care for each other. I thought about it and I agree."

She jumped up and down, "Yippee!"

"But wait," I began. "Under one condition.."

"Oh no!" She put her hands to her head.

"It has to be a double date!" I spun around.

She laughed, "Oh fine! But I don't have a boy to go with, Maya!"


Farkle flashed a gentle smile towards Riley and she blushed. "Fine."

Then she began to worry, I could tell. "Farkle, what about Smackle?" She asked.

"What about Smackle?" He asked, worried.

"You are dating her, man!"

"I know," he smiled again, "We are best friends Riley, forever. We can go on a double date for Lucas and Maya. It doesn't have to mean anything. She won't care, Riley."

She smiled and he patted her shoulder.

I grinned ear to ear. "Okay, 7 pm, tonight! You two can pick Riley and I up from the Matthews house and we will go out to eat, and go to the park."



"You girls look on point." My dad said, laughing.

"Dad, please, please, don't ever say that again! But thank you!"  I laughed.

I was wearing a floral maxi dress with black sandals and my hair up in a braid. Maya wore a black dress, pink heels and her hair down, curled.

My mom came in, grinning ear to ear. "Girls, you look just fabulous. Reminds me of your first dates; except you're so so much more grown up now."

Ding dong

"Go sisters!" Auggie announced.

Maya smiled, "I'm your sister, Auggs?"

"Yeah." He smiled and rushed off to his room.



"Ready, Friar?" I asked Lucas. I was shaking; I was so nervous! I'm not sure why. I told Riley it didn't matter.

Finally, their apartment meant door swung open. Mr. Matthews greeted us and told the girls to come in.

Stunning, I thought.

Riley stood next to Maya looking as gorgeous as ever.

Lucas and I just stood there speechless, just like the last date we went on.

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