Chapter 1: Soundwave's Revelation

Start from the beginning

"Don't the Decepticons know where their own planet is?" Rafael asked, looking at Ratchet, who snorted in disgust. "Naturally!.. But Cybertron is many light years away." The orange and white medic looked at the three now, Jack listening in interest. "To reach their target, their aim must be astronomically precise!"

Jack frowned.. For some reason, he was understanding it all perfectly, able to envision what Ratchet was explaining.

"If Megatron went to the trouble of rendezvousing with his spacebridge, he must have an alternate targeting system... A remote one." Optimus' voice came to Jack and the others in a serious tone, the teen looking up at Ratchet, who frowned. "Hmh!" The medic grunted. "From what I know of earth's technology, I doubt there exists a single radio telescope dish on this planet that is strong enough to pinpoint Cybertron." He responded.

"What about a whole bunch of linked radio telescope dishes?" Raf's voice reached them, causing Jack to turn and look at the child protégé. "Like the giant sizaray in Texas?" He asked.

Jack turned to look up at Ratchet, who leaned forward. "Zip, ep, ep ep!" He ordrderedered, making a zipping motion with his digits. "This is not child's play!" He added, frowning at them, Jack about to speak when Optimus beat him to it. "Good thinking, Raf." The Prime said approvingly. "Ratchet! Have Agent Fowler alert the array staff to the security hazard!"

The Prime had barely finished talking when Agent Fowler's voice reached their ears. "You! Soldier! You're out of uniform! Put on some pants!" The deranged agent ordered before falling backwards again, unconscious.

Ratchet shook his helm. "That, may be a challenge." He stated, all of them looking back at Raf, Jack's mind already trying to process the situation as the younger boy began to type again. "I can't get past the array's firewalls. They're too thick!" He stated, slamming his fists down on the desk.

"You actually think you can keep the Decepticons out?" Ratchet demanded in disbelief and amusement.

"M-Maybe." Raf answered thoughtfully. "If I can get in."

THERE! Jack had his idea now. "Wa-wa-wait. Raf." He said, approaching quickly. "What if we can get you... All the way in? Like, inside the building in?" He asked, putting an arm across the younger boy's shoulders, his brown eyes widening behind his glasses as he turned to look at the black-haired youth. "Then I could log into their internal network on the other side of the firewall!" He stated.

"The risk is too great." Optimus' voice came over the comm, making Jack realize that he could hear everything they said. "The Decepticons will be there. Perhaps even on site."

Jack listened to him, looking up. "Optimus." He started, feeling determination rise up in him. This was his chance to be able to do more! Just as he had failed to do on the warship! "With all due respect, you said it yourself. This is bigger than the safety of three humans." He said, motioning to Raf and Miko, forgetting that the Prime couldn't see them, Miko picking up on it. "Yeah! If we let the cons win, we're fragged. Along with everyone else on our planet."

Silence fell and Jack waited for Optimus' answer, praying that he would accept it. "Raf." Optimus' voice came over the comm.

Jack and Miko both looked over at the younger boy, who looked scared for a moment before his face hardened and a look of determination took over. "I wanna give it a shot."

Jack, Raf and Miko jumped out of the groundbridge, all groaning and feeling sick. "That'll take some getting used to." Jack stated, holding his head for a moment before turning his attention to their target. "Whoa!" Miko gasped before the three ran to the building, sneaking inside and down the halls, Raf and Miko entering a room while Jack followed. Instinct told him that he should be careful to make sure they weren't followed, and he watched the hall for a few moments before closing the door and joining Miko next to Raf as he sat down in front of a computer.

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