Either he was trying too hard or it's just me

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Either he was trying too hard or it's just me. He look like a lost puppy, like 'cuddle in me please' I need it a lot. She took her time to touch him back, this is very disturbing I might say. It's sad, sweet, and nightmare to look at. People like her friend were like aww. What are they awwing about, nothing to aw about it's gross. Ciel has a girl, who would have known. Still don't give two f**k though, my plan hello dude. I'm about to be a cock-blocker. I got my phone and search for his number and call him. I saw that he heard the phone ringing and didn't answer. Does he want to die? I was in shock at my discovery.

I call like four times and he finally answer the phone. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Hmm that voice of his toward me is very rude. I think he need to put the volume down a little. Like the f**k, that chick can get the bullet for you, don't show off now, be careful.

"I was just calling you to see if you can help me with others, so I don't have to do them one by one. For in case I can't do one." I lied, I really didn't need help I already have the others information. I can see from afar his emotion is just what I expected....unbelievable. I know am a work of art, but still thank you.

"We can't do this another day or time?"

"No, we can't. Sorry, business is business..." I can't believe i'm going to pull this card, but why not, "Let's go! AM your BOSS, friend or no friend, I'll f**k you up." I pull that card.

"You really cross the max of crazy."

"Yours Truly." I smile to my phone and hang up. I saw that he was looking at it and just shook his head. He turn to the girl and said something to her. Like Bye, Nice seeing you.There is something about her, it must be because she is blond. No, maybe.

I turn on my car and drove off. I have to get to my house before Ciel gets there. I race down some short cuts and I was finally home. I ran in my house and lock the door behind me. I walk around thinking, if I should dress house wear, but nope. I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to start the coffee maker, open a book on my couch, took off my shoes, tear up the information about the others, and open the door. WHAT THE F**k?

"Was I invited to a double date and didn't know, because if I did know, I could have asked Kimberly to come over." Like seriously, this f**k really came in with his girl, to search up BUSINESS. My house, I don't allow females here, I allow Kimberly, but that's it. I look at what was happening in front of me. I stare at them in front of my door. Wait, their are waiting for me to tell them to come in, weird, they should have ask to bring each other too.

"Come in." They pass by me and I just stare at the disgusting couple. Ciel look back at me like 'really Danny'.   

I walk to him and pull him to the side, while looking back at the chick

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I walk to him and pull him to the side, while looking back at the chick. "What are you doing bringing her here? Who is her by the way?"

"Dan, that's Kylie. I brought her here, because I was her ride home."

"Have she ever heard of Uber, Taxi, Bus, Train, I don't know train. I don't remember when they stop running." He look at me in disbelief.

"Are you on drugs? No, she not going on those things tonight."

"I'm not on anything, if I recall. Tonight you say, is she going to ride the train to New York." I say winking at him.

"Dan! No, she's a virgin."

Shook my head and look back at her. "She might be psychically a virgin, but I know her soul is f**ked."

"Why do you say that, Dan?"

"Let's see, she walked in the Monster's home. I see that."

"Let's get to business Dan." He turn away from me and walk to get his laptop. He told Ky..his girl to stay put and watch TV. He came over to me and sat down in front of me. We start looking over some information and plan ways to get to them. Some of them had body guards, I don't even have one and am BOSS of a mafia, gang, and myself. I don't need them anyway. I just see no point in having one when you're a powerful and crazy as me. Might have enemies, but it look like i'm the only one going to them, they scared to come to me.

We look and search up everything . Ciel was done with his speech on the information, only did he know that I already know most of it already. He got up and pack his stuff and call the chick over. I forgot her name. I don't even remember what it started with. She came over after turning off the TV and Ciel her hand. He said goodbye and I just nod back at him. I hope I don't see her again, but she just seem odd.

I waited for them to leave before I locked it. I took off my coat and went up stairs into my room. I look on my bed and there was Kimberly lying there. She's recovering from that movie night, so I let her close to me. I brought her food, anything to be honest. I shower her and place her back in bed and she went to sleep. She been a sleep this whole time. I kiss her forehead and went out the bedroom and shut the door. I walk down to the basement.

While entering the basement, I got my lab coat, knife, screw, a box, and more knives, just different sizes. Fully in the basement I face a person in a chair screaming for help. I just admire the view in front of me. I put down the stuff and went to take off the bag off the person head. Well, you see that person we was talking earlier about, the reason why she can't make it to her book opening is because she's in my basement.

"Hello, Emma."

"Hmmmhmmm!!" All she could say through the rug in her mouth.

"I just want to say, your friend would love to see you again, don't he. Try coming after me, so I'll send him a gift as a warning." I grab the baby knife and she started to rock the chair and scream. "No one can hear you down here, it's sound proof. You see that box over there." I pointed at the box and her eyes follow my finger to it. "Your body parts would be in there."

I went closer to her and stick the baby knife in her stomach. "You're too big to fit in there, so I think we have to resize you. Let's see how much you can hold in a medium size box." I got the screw and hammer it in her head. The blood was slowly dripping. I got the large knife and slowly cut her open from her belly button and up. Her body lean over forward and I kick it back. I kill her fast, but she was annoying to look at. I rather kill her in silence.

"What if I wanted to break

Laugh it all off in your face

What would you do?

What if I fell to the floor

Couldn't take all this anymore"

I took her arm and slice it off. This wasn't going too great. I got to do insane me, because calm me, is going slow and I want to just go back upstairs and eat. Kimberly would be fine, she in my house. I grab the body from the chair and carry it to a meat hanger. I hook the body on the meat hanger. went back for the knife, the large one. Sharp it up some more. Walk to the body, raise the knife like a baseball bat. I swung the knife through her.Her lower body, fell to the floor, I slice up the upper body like I was playing fruit ninja. I was cutting up fruits. Her upper body was in pieces, like paper teared up in piece. I kick her lower body and did the same to it. I kept the head and open the box and put the body parts in it and the head on top. I put a smile to her face and tape the box up. "I'm hungry. " I took off the stuff and call my men to come ship the box off to the man. He was my next target, so why not give him a gift.

I walk up stairs to get some food and Kimberly was eating my food. I laugh at the moment, trying to figure out if she seriously eating my food. She smile at me and I just shook my head. I walk to her and she separated the food in half. It was a lot of food. She told me this half for her and the other half is for me. But why does it look like her half as more than my half?  

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