Season 3 Episode 10: Scampfire Stories

Start from the beginning

"The Hippocampus story? Really, Stanley?" Ford growled. "Of all things--"

"Don't 'Really, Stanley' me, old man! That thing was annoying. It talked our ears off...hourly! And wouldn't stop following us around!"

"Can't you tell them about February 15th? That adventure is far more exciting...and nail-biting."

"I...okay, fine. February 15th it is. This strange tale shall be called...'SEAS THE DAY'!"

Sailing around on the Pacific Ocean in the Stan o' War II, Stanley and Stanford Pines had endured a lot together since temporarily venturing away from Gravity Falls. Stan was on the deck, kicking back and sipping some champagne. Ford soon joined him, drinking some champagne of his own. The sun beamed down on them, the ocean waves crashing onto the side of the boat.

"You know, Stanford," Stan said, "we've fought sea monsters and have battled pirate-like morons, and don't you get me started on those bozos, but there's one thing we haven't yet acquired."

Ford blinked. "And what's that?"

Stan sat up. "Babes!"

Ford laughed, setting his glass down. "Oh, right. Well tell me, Stan, how many ladies do you see out here right now?" There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Good point, Sixer."

Ford chuckled and got up, wandering inside the ship and fixing himself a sandwich. Just as Stan was about to follow him in, the man's gaze focused on something other than the cabin of the Stan o' War. Off in the distance, Stanley noticed a dark outline underwater. To him, it looked like a shadowy blob from where he stood. He shook it off and continued walking. Inside the cabin, Ford gave one of his harpoons a funny look. Grabbing a rag, he wiped some blood off of the weapon, making it as clean as an old harpoon can be.

Stan walked about the cabin, clearly searching for something. His twin noticed and decided to speak up. "What are you looking for?"

"My magazines," Stan retorted, lifting a pillow and flipping it over.

"Oh. Bored?"

"A teensy bit, yeah."

Though the brothers' odd conversation was cut off just as something rammed into the side of the Stan o' War. Scrambling around, Stan and Ford made their way to the back of the boat. They scanned the surrounding ocean, unsure of what had just smacked them.

Then it hit Ford. He saw the black figure shifting around underneath the surface and immediately caught on. "Stanley, get inside!" he cried, pulling his brother back into the cabin.

"What?! What is it?" Stan queried anxiously.

"A leviathan, it has to be!" Ford said curtly, grabbing the closest harpoon and racing back on deck. Before Stan could slip on his brass knuckles, Ford snapped, "Those won't do anything to this guy, Stan!"

Stanley narrowed his eyes as his brother darted out the door. He grabbed his twin's crossbow and darted after him.

"Be careful," Ford warned his sibling. "From what I remember, back when my journals were around, leviathans try to knock sailors out of their ships and into the ocean. They then drag them down, way, WAY down, if you understand what I'm getting at here."

"Aw, heck, Poindexter, I--"

"Heck, exactly! That's where they're dragged to. Now, do your best to stay on board." Ford ran to the front of the ship, overlooking the ocean. Stan tumbled after him, mumbling and cursing to himself. "Okay Stanley, depending on how large the creature is, it may do the following things. A: Ram into the ship, which it's already done. B: Barrel roll into us. C: Throw the boat clear across the water. Or D: Snatch us out of the vessel and simply pull us downward from there. But who knows, it could do anything to get us--"

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