Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Jamie stayed by Eddie's side. Sydney came and left very upset to see such a setback for both Jamie and Eddie. Henry had kissed the girl's head then headed home to prepare food for when she was ready to eat again. He left the lavender lotion by her bed. John lingered the longest, but seeing Jamie was not relinquishing his place, he left. "I'll come back to see her tomorrow." John dropped a kiss on Eddie's head.

Jamie took several deep breaths watching Eddie as she slept.

"Eddie please wake up," Jamie sighed when she didn't respond.

Jamie knew she was on powerful medications for pain and to combat any infection. Still he hoped after five hours she'd come around.

Jamie fell asleep with his head next to Eddie's hip. He wasn't sure if it was two hours or two minutes before he heard a very soft and gentle, "Jamie..."

Jamie sat up like a shot, "I'm here, Eddie. How do you feel?"

"Really tired, sick to my stomach...what's in my nose?" Eddie moved her head to try and see.

"An NG tube, you had a bowel obstruction, you're NPO but if your lips are dry I have some glycerin."

Jamie dropped the moist drops on Eddie's lips and under her tongue. "There, that's better."

"What happened with my bowel? I have been going, I've been good..."

"The doctor said sometimes even with all the treatment things just don't do what they should. It's all right, you're going to be fine." Jamie ran his hand over Eddie's hair. She relished the feeling of it and the sound of his voice. Lately she was beginning to feel like she didn't need another person in the entire world but him. She had always had a special feeling but lately it was worse. Eddie swallowed and coughed a bit on the tube, it was hard to breathe around it.

Jamie noticed her discomfort, "I know it's sore, maybe tomorrow it can come out. What can I do for you?"

Eddie sighed, "Can you sit up here with me?" She so wanted Jamie's arms around her.

Jamie smiled, "Yeah, I will sit until you are asleep then I'll let Syd, Pop, and John know you woke up. They'll all be so happy."

Eddie turned three shades of red, "John knows? He knows this happened because I can't..."

"John knows and even though I don't like it much, he understands Eddie. He's good with it."

Eddie smiled, that's what she would do. She'd transfer her growing feelings for Jamie to John, then everything would be all right again.

"Well, can you let him know when I'm feeling better I will be happy to have him visit?" Eddie asked.

Jamie nodded, "Let's wait until you are a little stronger all right?" Jamie kissed Eddie's cheek. "I'm going to call the family and let them know you are doing better. You look tired, why don't you rest?"

Eddie sighed, "Will you come back? I still feel really sick."

"Of course I will, Eddie," Jamie smiled. "I'll be right back, I'm just going to call Syd and Pop."

Jamie gave her a smile kissing her head before getting up and stepped into the hallway to make phone calls.

He decided to call Henry first dialing the number and sighed while he waited.

"Hello," Henry answered after the third ring.

"Hey pop, just wanted to let you know Eddie woke up a few minutes ago," Jamie smiled turning to look back at her through the open door.

That's What Love Is Forजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें