Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The next morning, Jamie arrived at the hospital just in time for Eddie's breakfast. He stayed in the hallway and waited for the nurse to begin feeding her. "How are you feeling this morning, Eddie?" the young redheaded nurse asked. "I saw yesterday you had a lot of visitors."

Eddie nodded, "Henry's a nice old man. He treats me like one of his own family."

"And your boyfriend, now he is a catch," the nurse smiled. "So handsome, so sweet. He told my supervisor off, she was complaining about him for hours."

"Oh," Eddie began to laugh. "That's not my boyfriend, that's my partner, Jamie. I don't have a boyfriend or any family really so Jamie...he's my best friend but he's married."

"He's married?" the nurse asked surprised. "His wife allows..."

"His wife is also a friend of mine," Eddie replied. "It's part of being a cop. You look out for each other. It's a family in and of itself."

"That's right," Jamie stated as he made his presence known. "How are you feeling, Eddie?"

"Okay, a little headache this morning that won't go away. Delia was telling me that later, I get out of bed and go for a ride in a wheelchair. Fun times."

"I'll be here when you do that then," Jamie assured her. "I took another few weeks until you go to rehab. I have good news, Syd got you into Burke. As soon as you are ready, you can start learning things again. Danny found a great first floor apartment too, and he's going to work with some contractors on getting it set up for you."

Eddie smiled, "That's great, Jamie, but you really don't have to take care of me. We're not on the job anymore."

Jamie looked at Eddie's crestfallen features, "Nurse James is it? Would you mind if I took over?"

"Of course not, I'll be back to help you get a bath, Eddie. Take your time with your meal."

Jamie took the spoon and began to try to feed Eddie. "Open up. Come on now or I'll have to bring Pop back down here."

Jamie scooped a little bit more egg onto the spoon to avoid giving Eddie too much, and raised it to her mouth with a smile. "Good Eddie, you're doing great. I can't wait for you to come home though at least you'll be more comfortable and have home cooked meals instead of this. You ready for more?"

Eddie gave her head a small shake as she swallowed the small portion Jamie gave her. Although Jamie knew she could take more, Jamie felt he would overwhelm her if he forced a spoonful, that could result in her possibly choking on the food and he didn't want to risk that again. Jamie meant well, but Eddie couldn't help but feel embarrassed Jamie had to sit and feed her like a child. She had been thinking it over and came to the realization she was better off in a home rather than being a burden on Jamie and Sydney.

"What's wrong Eddie? Too much to fast?" Jamie put the fork down and waited patiently until Eddie was ready, he was on high alert in case she started choking. Eddie's throat muscles were still partially compromised but getting stronger daily. The coughing never came though, instead Eddie leaned back tilting her head down to look at her hands.

"Hey I know you. What's going through that mind of yours? Are you worried about going back home? If that's it, don't, we have it all worked out. The remodel will actually be pretty easy just moving some things around and building, but nothing extensive I swear. We're happy to do it for you, Eddie."

"Jamie, I... you've been taking really good care of me and I appreciate it. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I want to go to a nursing home when I get done at rehab. There are some good ones with full time care who can help me. Everything you've been've put your life away with Syd for me and it isn't fair to either of you."

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