Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"JAMIE!" Sydney called for the third time since she began to bathe Eddie. Jamie had taken care of Eddie the next two days, today Sydney said she felt secure enough to handle the bedtime by herself. Jamie had just about sat down, cracked a beer, and put his feet up when Sydney called him the first time. She was brushing Eddie's hair and saw how hard Eddie was working to breathe with just her tee shirt on. "She's not breathing right Jamie," Sydney fussed.

"It's fine," Eddie assured them both. "I feel fine."

"Syd, remember they told us, part of her chest and diaphragm are paralyzed, Eddie can't breathe like we can, she has to compensate. Don't worry."

Jamie left and sat down on the couch, picked up his beer, took a long sip, then Sydney called him again. This time it was fine, it was time to place Eddie in the tub. Jamie placed her on the seat and secured the belts.

"You two enjoy," Jamie said bowing out letting Eddie enjoy her bath.

Eddie sighed in delight as Sydney washed her hair and her body, her touch was different than Jamie's and she ran the water a little warmer, she was just a little less cautious, which Eddie liked. Sydney would be the balance to allow her independence.

"I envy your hair," Sydney told Eddie as she conditioned it. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah, the warmth feels good on my neck and shoulders, I use those muscles to move my lower arms so much they get sore."

"You are doing so well," Sydney told her. "You didn't spill anything..." Sydney stopped noticing Eddie's face was beet read and she had lowered her head a little. Instead of asking Eddie what was going on Sydney panicked...again.

Jamie sighed and went to the bathroom, a little slower this time. "Look at her face, she's having one of those things isn't she?"

"Eddie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just getting a little tired," she replied.

Jamie tested the water, "She's not having AD, Syd but it's a miracle that she isn't. This water is too hot! Call me to come get her out."

Jamie left again so Sydney could finish the bath. "He's getting angry," Eddie sighed. "It's my fault, I trust you. You can help me out of the tub. It's my stupid anxiety."

Sydney smiled and finished the bath. Sydney reached down and undid Eddie's belts, "Oh, I forgot your chair, I'll be right back.

Sydney disappeared to get Eddie's wheelchair. Sydney heard her phone go off while she retrieved the power chair. It was her office, she took a quick phone call which turned into fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Eddie's limited capacity to hold her body upright failed her. "Syd," she tried to call out. "Syd..."

Eddie's instincts told her to hold on but again she was reminded of her state when her arms failed to obey. She felt her heart pound as the realization that her body was slipping beneath the water assaulted her mind.

"Okay, I'll e-mail you the revision in about an hour...Good deal," Sydney replied and headed back to the bathroom with Eddie's chair, but she was gone.

"Eddie?" Sydney approached the tub, seeing part of her friend's blonde head break the surface struggling for air.

Sydney's heart nearly stopped, "Oh my God! JAMIE! JAMIE!"

Sydney reached into the tub grabbing Eddie's arms holding her up, "I'm sorry..." Sydney expected Jamie to come running but he didn't. "JAMIE!" Eddie was gasping for air and trying to cough up the water she swallowed.

Finally they both heard Jamie's footsteps, "Jamie...I don't know what happened?"

Jamie pushed Sydney aside, reached in and grabbed Eddie pulling her out of the tub. "Sydney call a bus!"

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