Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Frank Reagan stepped out of the black SUV in front of St. Victor's hospital. An hour ago, Garrett had informed him one of his officers and Jamie's partner and best friend had been hit by a drunk driver. So far, the only information he had was she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. He hoped to find his son fussing at her bedside, but also see she was going to be all right.

The entire waiting room was a sea of blue. Off duty officers from the 12th, Eddie and Jamie's house as well as those from neighboring precincts roamed the halls. In the center of it all, sat Jamie, Danny, and Sydney. Jamie was seated on a small sofa, elbows on his knees, with Danny and Syd on either side holding his hands and supporting his frame. Frank's heart sped up, was she gone? Eddie, with her bright blue eyes, wicked smile, and wise cracks? She was a light for all of them.

Frank bent down in front of Jamie, "Son? Is there any word?"

Sydney answered for Jamie, "She's in surgery. They are stabilizing her head and neck and uh, making it so she can have a breathing tube in her throat not her nose. She broke her neck, Frank. She's in a coma."

Jamie shuttered hearing the words again. "They are giving her steroids to help her but...there's so many risks." Sydney could see Jamie wasn't sure he made the right decision about Eddie's treatment. "They wouldn't let me see her."

"They will when she's out of surgery, son. Maybe only you since you have her papers and all. Do you want me to try to find out information?"

Jamie nodded, "Dad, try to get the wheels going to get her father here. Armin Janko, Lincoln correctional facility. If she's not going to make it...I promised him once to take good care of her. I have to let him see her now she's hurt so badly."

Frank nodded, "Let's just get Eddie through the night for now son. I'll see what I can find out."

Frank located the ER doctor, "How is my officer?"

The doctor explained to Frank about Eddie breaking the two bones in her neck and also damaging some of the nerves in her back. "Her injury is complete at the C5-6 level."

"What does that mean?" Frank asked already knowing in his heart. "Will she be..."

"Paralyzed?" the doctor asked. "That is almost a medical certainty. When the swelling goes down, she may retain some use of her shoulders and upper arms but regardless of her will and the skill of her therapists, Officer Janko will never walk again. It is highly unlikely she will have the use of her lower arms or her hands. She will likely need constant assistance for the rest of her life, if she makes it through the next few days."

Frank sighed, "What's her chances?"

"Fifty-fifty, a lot of it depends on her," the doctor replied.

Frank chuckled, "If it depends on her, she'll make it. She's strong."

Frank returned to Jamie's side, "She's doing well in surgery but the doctor said she'll be paralyzed, her arms and her legs..."

Jamie nodded, "I know....I have to make sure I'm there when he wakes up. If she wakes up with tubes in her throat and a halo...she's going to be terrified. I have to be there to make it easier, so she's not alone."

Sydney agreed, "If you aren't there, Jamie I will be. One of us will be with her until she's awake and aware, okay? If we aren't maybe, Danny?"

Danny nodded, "You got it. She's not just blue blood, she's Jamie's partner, family. You got it, when I'm not hunting the scum that put her in that bed I'll be here."

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