Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Eddie's phone chirped for the fifth time in the last hour. She sighed, "Open email..." she told the device. "Opening email from..." Another foreign address.

Hello, Eddie...that is a funny name for a girl. How are you feeling? If you would like to chat sometimes my handle isjohn_abbott45 . I hope to hear from you soon. Your accident did not diminish your beauty. John.

"Jamie," Eddie called out. "Come here a minute..."

Jamie was shining his shoes getting ready for a 3 to 11 tour. Those tours made him nervous because Sydney would be in charge of bedtime with Eddie. She was doing better lately but Jamie had a long memory. Eddie had suffered enough pain.

"What's up, Eddie? You need something?" Eddie was usually in her chair by now, but the spasms had kept them both up until dawn.

"Yeah, I got five really weird e-mails today and they are sort of bugging me," Eddie replied. "Aside from them waking me, how did so many guys get my email address?"

Jamie took Eddie's phone and looked at the emails. "Eddie...these are all through a dating website. Did you enroll in something or post something on your Facebook?"

"No," Eddie replied firmly. "Of course I didn't, how or why would I enroll in a dating site. Who in their right mind would even want to date me..."

"Eddie stop it," Jamie sighed. "Maybe your profile got hacked. Do you need your phone, I'll give it to TARU see if they can figure it out. I'll have Danny check in on you and Sydney tonight. If I get a chance, I'll swing by too. You guys will be safe. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," Eddie replied. "When you're ready I think I'm going to get into my chair. I'm not able to rest now anyway."

"Let me finished getting dressed and we'll get you squared away." Jamie winked at her, put the offending phone in his pocket, and went to finish getting ready for his tour.

Jamie came into Eddie's room and began her routine. They did bladder care, then got her into her wheelchair in a loose fitting pair of capri pants and a sweatshirt. "You want socks?" '

"No, Sydney can do that if I need them, just put the slippers on." Jamie just go Eddie situated in her chair when he heard Sydney come home. "Eddie, just relax for a little bit and I'll be back to get your set up with your juice."

Eddie was used to giving Jamie and Syd private time. "She's really tired today, Syd, so she'll probably ask to go in about nine or ten, and she might need more help."

Sydney nodded, "What about you? You were both up most of the night."

"I got a nap, but something is going on with Eddie's phone. She's getting all these wacky emails from men asking her for dates..."

"Oh yay!" Sydney smiled and clapped her hands. "I knew her profile would get a lot of hits, she's gorgeous...and that picture we took last week on the pier...with her hair blowing, she looked..."

"You put her profile on the internet!" Jamie nearly exploded. "God , Sydney! She told you and told you that she was not comfortable with that idea. Now she was kept awake all day by these perverts!"

"They are not perverts, Jamie! They are honest and decent guys Some of them are disabled too and other..."

"Some of them are disabled too? Really? Did you listen to yourself? Eddie needs help with everything she has to do in a day. How could a man that is also disabled care for her? How can a man who is in a wheelchair or has only one arm pick Eddie up and help her transfer or help her turn in bed? What were you thinking?"

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