Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

"You were great!" Jamie praised as they arrived back at the apartment after midnight that night. Eddie has packed away close to the 25 chicken wings, had some beers, a few laughs, and a good sock it to Marcus.

"I was defending my partner," Eddie laughed as Jamie opened the apartment door. "It was so strange seeing everyone again. Half of them didn't even acknowledge me and the other half were all over me."

"They were excited and I guess the guys like McKenna didn't know what to say," Jamie reasoned. "It's okay, we'll go again and people will be more comfortable. Let's get this make up off and get our nightly routines done."

In the excitement of Eddie feeling like going out, Jamie had forgotten that Sydney was due home around this time. He had promised her to have Eddie already taken care of by the time she arrived. As it happened, Jamie just set Eddie up in the bathroom when Sydney came in the door.

"Oh, I forgot that was tonight," Jamie said embarrassed and covering his face. "Relax and let things work I'll be back in about forty five minutes." Jamie checked the belt and headed to the living room.

"Is Eddie having a bad night?" Sydney asked as she reached up to hug Jamie and accept his kiss.

"No, she's good, I took her for a haircut and we went to O'Reilly's. Eddie felt like she was ready to get out and see everyone again but truth is she wasn't. She asked me to protect her, not let people touch her. It was weird, usually she's like, Jamie let me do it myself..."

Sydney's jaw set, "Jamie you promised tonight would be for us. You said you'd have her put to bed and why isn't Rose taking her for a haircut. That's why we hired a nurse!"

Jamie shifted his weight from one leg to the other, "I uh, fired Rose."

"You what?" Sydney put her purse down hard "What? Why?"

Jamie sighed, "She was careless with Eddie," Jamie replied "She cut her foot and she never even told me so I could keep an eye on her. Cuts on her feet take a while to heal and if he let it get irritated..." Jamie ran a hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry about tonight, Syd. I really am."

Sydney took a breath, "It's okay. Tell you what. It's almost morning in London, why don't you head to bed, I'll finish with Eddie."

Jamie nodded, "Thanks, honey. I'll wait up." He raised an eyebrow wondering if he was forgiven his misstep.

"You do that and if you don't, I'll wake you." Sydney stepped into Jamie's arms and held on. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Jamie sighed. "She needs another half hour in there then cleaned up and put in bed, are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I want you rested." Sydney ran a hand down Jamie's chest and flashed a smile.

Sydney changed and went to get Eddie out of the bathroom just at the time Jamie said. "Hey, heard you had a good time tonight. You're hair looks great!"

Eddie smiled, "It was all right. I didn't want to say to Jamie but I really felt uncomfortable. Some of the people I rode with before looked at me like I was broken you know?"

Sydney nodded, "That had to be hard. I think Jamie really enjoyed going out like old times. I think he really misses you."

"I'm right here," Eddie replied as Sydney put her in the chair and Eddie drove herself to bed. "I haven't changed, Sydney, not inside. Jamie changed inside."

Sydney nodded, "I think he's always been like this, it's just needing to come out now you know?"

Eddie sighed, "I know. He fired Rose for cutting my foot...He's going to break Sydney, we have to get someone else. Anyone else."

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