Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Jamie entered the hospital room containing Eddie and focused just on reaching her until he was beside the bed. He reached down taking her hand giving it a light squeeze whispering, "I'm here Eddie." Jamie moved his touch to the crown of her head and stroked her hair, she always liked him doing that.

Eddie remained still, her eyes closed as she rested one after effects of having a seizure.

"Eddie, please let me know you're okay," Jamie pleaded using his free hand to brush her cheek.

Again he received no response, this only worried Jamie more as his red trimmed eyes scanned her hoping for any sign of movement.

"Eddie." Jamie bowed his head saying a silent prayer.

"Are you family?" Jamie heard a doctor ask as he came into the room.

"I'm her POA, her primary caregiver, and her best friend, I'm more than family," Jamie replied. "She just said she felt so sick and then..."

"Edit is suffering from a bowel obstruction. It's not uncommon in her physical state but this one caused a dangerous episode of AD. We will need to go in and removed the blockage."

Jamie sighed, "More surgery. Doctor, can we try an enema or the electronic stimulation. I didn't put her on the toilet last night, she was so tired and I think she over ate."

"This is not just from one night," the doctor assured Jamie. "This is likely building up over months. Part of this is from lack of circulation to an around the bowel. We will be taking her up to surgery as soon as she's stable. Her pressure is going down, but it's still too high for me to take her up. Talk to her, let her know you are here and make her feel safe. I'll check back in a couple of hours."

"Eddie,' Jamie sighed. "I am so sorry, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so angry, I should have taken more care. This John guy, he scared me and he made me so angry, I was so angry you wanted to go out with him and...I don't know why...I'm confused and I am just so sorry, please wake up, Eddie. Open your eyes, please."

Jamie wasn't surprised when Eddie failed to wake. She let out a soft moan, but did not open her eyes. "That's it, Eddie, fight, come on...I'm here..."

It was another hour before the doctor returned, "Her blood pressure is stable now, we'll be taking her to prepare her for surgery."

"But she's still unconscious," Jamie protested unconsciously moving so his body was between her and the transport team. "You can't take her like this, I have to..."

"If I don't take her and relieve the blockage parts of her bowel will die and the risk of rupture and massive infection will increase. She's in what is called a post ictal state, a reduced state of consciousness. Those moaning sounds she is making, that is actually her capable state of consciousness at this point. She can probably hear you, but if she was more conscious she would be suffering."

That word hit Jamie in the heart. The last thing he ever wanted was for Eddie to suffer. "Can I have another private minute before you take her?"

The doctor nodded and ushered the team out. "Okay, Eddie, I know you hear me. The doctors are going to take you and fix you and you'll feel so much better when you wake up. I'll be right here. I'm going to call Pop and he'll be here too. I love you Eddie, we all love you."

Jamie was rewarded with another small moan, "I know, Eddie. I know it hurts but they are going to fix you." Jamie kissed Eddie's head gently the nodded for the doctors to come and take her away.

As soon as Eddie was wheeled away, Jamie sat on her bed, body shaking. He reached for his phone and dialed the house, knowing Henry would be preparing to leave and take the train to their apartment for his nursing duties. It rang twice before Henry's gentle voice came on the line.

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