Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Hey," Sydney greeted Eddie with a gentle hug. "Jamie conk out on you?"

"Yeah, he was watching the boob tube and fell asleep. I was waiting to see how long it would take for him to realize he's drooling on his shirt."

Sydney laughed, "Jamie is a mouth breather. Listen, Henry came with me, he has a four course meal out there and won't take no for an answer. Can I bring him in?"

Eddie sighed, "Of course you can. He won't go even if I asked and he has Jamie's dinner. You can bring him in."

Sydney stepped into the hall to retrieve Henry, "Her spirits seem good for now," she replied. "Much better than yesterday."

Henry entered Eddie's hospital room holding two bags teaming with food. "Oh my goodness, look at you wasting away in that bed. I heard you haven't been eating very much, young lady."

Eddie sighed, "It's hard, Henry. I need help and the nurses rush me and the food just feels like a big ball. Jamie and Sydney can't always be here and let's face it, the food is crappy."

"Well this," Henry began to unpack the packs. "Is not crappy and I'll have Jamie speak to the nurses about rushing you. Now, first off, some chicken broth to soothe your tummy and get you ready for the main event. Syd, can you help her, I want to set everything out."

Henry had poured the broth into a mug with a handle. Sydney had to hold the handle so Eddie could drink. Henry next unloaded the cheesecake, "Best chocolate cheesecake, but you can't have this, if I don't see you eating."

The voices work Jamie from his nap. He stood and stretched, "Hey, Pops. Oh that smells good."

Henry handed Jamie his plate and watched as Sydney continued to guide sips of broth into Eddie's mouth. "That's the way," Henry smiled. "How are you going to get your strength if you don't eat good food? Jamison, this young lady is telling me her nurses are rushing her when she's eating. Can you do something about that please?"

Jamie agreed that he would and sat down to eat his dinner. Sydney wiped Eddie's mouth and offered her some juice to drink. "Next, spinach salad with wet walnuts and feta cheese...good for the iron."

Henry sat beside Eddie and balanced the food perfectly on the fork, "The perfect bite, try some of this." Eddie opened her mouth and was surprised she liked the salad. She ate half of it before Henry switched to the chicken and potatoes. He took his time, he made sure Eddie tasted every bite and had ample drinks in between. "How you feeling? You still hungry?"

Eddie nodded, "Yes, but I'm saving space for that cake, I think I earned it."

"You did," Henry praised. "You did a great job, honey. Now..." Henry got the piece of cake and a spoon. "You do it."

"Pops!" Jamie jumped in knowing it was not possible.

"Jamie, I'm going to help her but she has to try."

"Grandpa, no!" Jamie said firmly. "She isn't ready, she can't open her hand. You can't just will it to happen, it's not like you hip! Later when she has the tools you can help her learn, now we do it for her."

Jamie too the spoon and offered Eddie a bite. "Jamie, I want to try,' she said almost too softly for him to hear.

"What's wrong, Eddie?" Jamie asked concerned at the soft tone in her voice. "What hurts?"

"Nothing," she replied. "I want to try, Jamie. Please let me try."

Jamie froze so Henry took the plastic spoon and gently, opened Eddie's hand. He placed the utensil in and held her hand in a loose but supportive grip. "Okay, honey, think....I'm going to help you the food on there, but my books say your upper arm moves so let's do this..."

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