"Only child. If it's that difficult to me, I don't know what I'd do if she was actually mine." I say as I sit down.

"Pardon?" She asks.

"Delilah hasn't told you? She's adopted."


"Yeah. But, I love her so much. It's like she's a part of me."

"Aww. So, would you like to go over the admission papers?"


She then gives me a file and I go over all the papers.

"Everything seems good. Uhm... I just wanted to let you know that after Christmas with a week or so, Delilah will be the one dropping her off and picking her up." I say.

"Ok. That's no problem. As long as you report it, it's fine. If you don't mind I ask, though, why especially after Christmas?" She says.

"I'll be back on Campus."


"I skipped senior year for Ellie. So, I'm back in college."

"Why'd you adopt her so young? You'd be 20?"

"Yeah. I didn't really adopt her. It's kind of a weird story."

I then tell her how I got Ellie.

"Oh. It must've been hard." She says.

"It was. At first. But, I got used to it and I feel it love with her." I say.

"Yeah. Children are amazing."

"So, I have a very important question. How will she be in nursery if she's delayed in walking?"

"That's why she's in DW2. It stands for Delayed Walking aged 2. Ms. Hastings is her teacher. We have one student per teacher in delayed walking. Then normally, three students per teacher."

"Ok. How did you come up with the delayed waking class, though?"

"My first daughter, Annalise, was born premature. So, she was delayed in walking. She walked when she was three because her leg muscles weren't strong enough to carry her weight. So, it was hard to get back to work when I had her. So, after she turned four, I had this idea and opened up this."

"Woah. If you don't mind me asking, how many months?" I ask, referring to her belly.

"Seven. I get stressed when I reach seven months because that's when Annalise was born."

"This isn't your second child?"

"No. I have Annalise, she's 10 now. I also have Miley, she's 8. And this is going to be Cody."

"Aww. I'm sure they're beautiful. I'm also sure he'll be as handsome as anyone."

She then laughs.

"To be honest you look quite young to have a ten year old." I say.

"I'm twenty six." She says.

"Oh. Was it hard?"

"I was a very responsible child and teen, so not really."

"That's good. Well, I really have to go. I'll pick her up at two, right?"

"Yes. It was very nice to meet you, Angel." She says, shaking my hand.

"You too, Jessica. Bye." I say and leave.

I get in my car and start driving to Damon's. I check the clock to find it ten-fifteen. When I reach there, it's ten-thirty. I have about three and a half hours with Damon. I smile as I go out of the car and to the door before knocking.

{Editing} The Vampire's Baby GirlWhere stories live. Discover now