Chapter 20

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A/N: Last chapter!!! After this I'll be working on the florist, so if you like that story keep an eye out for it! I'm so excited and I hope you guys like it.


I had all of my things packed up in two suitcases, I was ready to move out with my father. I packed all my clothes, my shoes, my phone and charger, my hygienic stuff, my sprays and my weed, bowl and grinder, I hid it under my clothes. Not that my father would care anyway.

I was waiting for him to get here, and it was dark and cloudy out. It looked like it was ready to downpour. It kind of depressed me.

I was so terrified that I wouldn't be able to see Jack anymore. What if we move too far away? What if my dad won't bring me to see him? What if long distance doesn't work for us like it does for Alana and Austin? I was terrified of losing Jack, but it was either move with my dad who will accept me for me, or live with my mother who will treat me like shit and force me to go to conversion therapy. I'd rather live with my dad. Of course, I'm going to miss Kellin too. But we're best friends, we'd stay in touch. I was more worried about my boyfriend.

I felt a wet splash on my cheek and realized it was starting to sprinkle, I hope my dad gets here soon.

My wishes came true because two minutes later he pulled up, his new boyfriend rolled down the window. "Get in," he smiled at me. I nodded and climbed into the back, putting my luggage beside me in the seat.

"Thanks dad," I said.

"No problem, Alex. You deserve the best." He told me. I couldn't help but smile.

"So, how far are we moving?" I asked him.

"To San Francisco, just about a half hour away." He told me, I smiled.

"So I can still see Jack?"

"Of course, Alex."

I was so relieved. So happy, I'd be able to see Jack more. I'm so happy that my dad accepted us.

"Thank you," was all I could say.

We arrived soon enough, and the house we lived at was nice, like, really nice.

"Whoa, this place is amazing," I stated, staring in awe.

"Thank you," my dads boyfriend spoke. "My names Rob by the way," he told me.

"Thanks so much for letting me stay here." I said.

"It's not a big deal, I love your dad and it's no big deal at all, honestly." He assured me.

I nodded and he lead us inside. The house was modern, it was cold and not very homey, but I loved it, modern houses were sick and I've always wanted to live in one.

The floors and walls were marble. The couches were leather, colored red, and there was a nice fireplace on the wall, with a flat screen TV over it, where a picture could have gone. On the mantle of the fireplace you had a picture of Rob and a potted plant in the middle.

I looked around, noticing there were big windows all over most of the outside walls, but it wasn't bad. There was another room connected and I was guessing it was a bathroom.

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