Chapter 16

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A few more weeks passed, and I still wasn't one hundred percent sure about why my father was suddenly okay with me seeing Jack. Of course, he could have been pretending to be homophobic in front of my mother, but who knows. I'm still a bit weary about the whole situation, because I don't want to get caught up in anymore bullshit than I've already had to deal with.

Either way, I was still taking advantage of being allowed to see my boyfriend. I went to his house whenever my mom was at work, and when she was asleep. My dad has been working nights a lot during the week, while my mom takes days. I pretty much got to see Jack a lot, even more than I thought possible. So maybe, just maybe my father wasn't as horrible as I thought he was. He seemed cool enough, now at least.

There were so many things that scared me about being with Jack. Maybe I didn't have to go to college, but I needed to in order to be what I wanted to be when I'm an adult. I sure as hell wasn't looking forward to college debt for the rest of my life, and to leave behind to pile onto my future children. So, if my mother for some reason decided to not pay for my college, I'd probably end up working at some stupid fast food place, like McDonald's or Popeye's for the rest of my life, and I knew I had so many more dreams than that. I knew being a fast food person wasn't in my future, at least not as a career.

I wanted to be an RN and work in a maternity ward. I love children, so much. I want some of my own one day, hopefully with Jack. Honestly, if it wasn't with him I don't want any. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, and be a happy, healthy family with a couple of kids, while being financially and emotionally stable enough to raise them in a good home, where they would be loved unconditionally, no matter who they were or what they wanted to be.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the screen on my android lit up, telling me I was getting a call from Kellin. I sighed, debating on picking it up or not. Eventually, I just decided to ignore it, so I pressed the fuck you button and set my phone down. Just a few seconds later, he called again. I sighed in annoyance but decided to answer it anyway.

"What do you want?" I snapped, a little more aggressive than I probably should have been.

"I n-need help, I need to go to the hospital," He mumbled, he even sounded a bit disoriented.

"Where are you?"

"'m leaving my house." He slurred. He was probably drunk. I sighed.

"Kellin, why do you need to go to the hospital?"

"Mm, because there's a lot of blood.."

My eyes widened and it didn't take me more than a few seconds to get out the front door after grabbing my dad's car keys. I left, making my way to Kellin's. Luckily, Kellin didn't live too far away so I would be able to reach him in time.

When I got to his house, I pulled in the driveway. I quickly got out, looking for the small boy. When I found him, it wasn't hard to notice that he needed help. I observed him as I grabbed him, putting him into the car and speeding off to the hospital. From what I could see, he had two black eyes, a busted lip, and his nose was probably broken, there was blood dripping from each nostril, and most of his face was already swelling and turning purple, although, I also didn't know how long ago this happened. He had more cuts over some of his face, like his eyebrow and his cheek, and chin. He didn't smell like alcohol either, so I'm assuming whoever hurt him must have given him a pretty bad head injury for him to sound so bad over the phone.



"Who did this to you? I need you to tell me exactly what happened." I demanded as we made our way to the hospital.

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