Chapter 18

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Kellin's POV

I woke up to the sound of my mother talking to someone, who's voice I recognized but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I think it was a doctor or a nurse. I opened my eyes to look at them and they didn't even notice; they were too busy talking about when I could leave and what was going to happen. The doctor was speaking.

"He can leave once he's healed enough to safely go home. Only time could tell how long it will be, but I'm estimating 2 or 3 weeks."

"Okay," My mother answered. She sounded broken. I felt so bad. I was glad my dad couldn't put me and her through this anymore.

He never hurt her but she still had to witness her son being hurt, so I'd imagine she's in pain as well.


Alex's POV

I was so relieved. I felt much better knowing Kellin's dad couldn't hurt him any longer, from now on I was going to be there for Kellin no matter what, he'd been so distant and I was pissed. I was selfish to not consider his feelings or what he was going through, why he continued to endlessly push me and Jack away, but now that I knew, I wouldn't let him do it anymore. He needed me now more than ever.

Now we just had to deal with the after math, we have to pick up the pieces. If it means Kellin will be okay, then that's all that matters. I want him to be happy, because he's one of my best friends. Me and Jack had a surprise party that we were going to throw for him for when he got out.

The weeks went by agonizingly slow and I missed being able to hang out with him, but it was good because we have more time to plan the party. The thing was, it was at my house. My parents were out of town again, so I'd have it to myself the weekend Kellin gets out of the hospital.

It wasn't a silly "welcome home" party, well, it was a welcome home party, but a fun party, which means alcohol and drugs. Loud music, dirty dancing and hot chicks and dudes. Kellin loved parties. We'd already invited a lot of people, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Maybe Kellin would make a new friend or something.

Finally, the day where Kellin was released was here. Jack and I made a silly excuse as to why we couldn't visit him, but in reality we were getting the party ready. The island counter was full of booze and red and blue solo cups as well as shot glasses. This party was going to be lit and I knew Kellin would have a good time. We set up some strobe lights and set a stack of CD's next to the stereo.

Once the party was ready we contacted everyone in a group text and told them before the party started we had to surprise Kellin, then the fun would begin. I texted Kellin singly and told him I wanted him to come over because we were having Chinese and we wanted him to join. It was a lie, but he said yes.

Luckily everyone arrived before Kellin and we all stood in position. When Kellin walked through the door, there was a large group of voices including mine and Jack's that yelled, "Welcome Home!" I could see Kellin's eyes light up and then someone cranked up the music, which started bumping. I made my way over to the boy we threw the party for and hugged him.

"You did this," he said, knowingly.

"I couldn't have done it without Jack, though," I smiled.

"Thank you guys so much, it means a lot to me." He stated. 

"Come on," I started. I led him to the kitchen. "Let's drink," I said as I poured two shots of straight Jack.

"Let's cheers to this," Kellin said. "To my dad being gone and life actually beginning."

I smiled, I loved his positive vibes. That's why I loved this kid so much. We clanked our shot glasses together and took them at the same time. I took mine like a champ and watched as Kellin's face contorted.

"Oh god, that was fucking strong." He whined. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"It's JD, of course it's strong." I teased. He smiled and hit my arm playfully. "Glad to have you back, buddy," I said to him.

"Glad to be back," he stated.


Jack's POV

I woke up to a shrill screaming sound the next morning and groaned. I had such a bad headache from drinking last night. I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily, wondering where the scream came from. I got up and looked around. Alex was in bed next to me. No one else was in the room. We were naked though; I got dressed quickly and headed downstairs.
My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped when I saw Alex's mother, who looked in distress, standing at the door, her mouth agape when she saw the mess that was the party from last night. Kellin was asleep on the couch.

"What the fuck!?" She screamed. When she spotted me, she narrowed her eyes. "You can get out of my house, Barakat." She said bitterly. I sighed. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Just don't wake Kellin, he's been going through a lot lately and he needs to rest," I said, referring to the fragile boy on the couch. Then I made my way out the door. 

I was worried for Alex. I know his mom is very, very against us seeing eachother. His dad looked at me when I was out and gave me a reassuring smile, letting me silently know he wouldn't let anything bad happen. I liked him. He seemed so okay with us and that made me happy, it gave me a leap of faith, it made me feel hopeful.

I started to walk back to my place, it was only down the block. I walked in the front door and up to my room, where I messaged Alex on Twitter.

'Message me as soon as you can. Did you get in trouble? Your mom made me leave.'

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