Chapter 19

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A/N: I apologize if the ending ends up seeming abrupt. This story was so all over the place and I have a plan for what I'm going to do with it, so there's only a few chapters left. After that I will be finishing up The Florist, and EXCITING NEWS, I'll be starting a story after that called Parasites and I'm so excited for that one. Brace yourselves.


Me and my mom were driving to my first appointment, and to be quite honest, I was very, very anxious. I didn't want to do this at all, I knew it wasn't right; to force somebody to go to therapy to become "straight" again. I've heard stories of the kids who went and they had committed suicide, became depressed, and developed other serious mental problems as well as self harm.

I didn't want to be there. It was intimidating. I know who I am and I'm not about to change it.

"We're here." My mom told me, interrupting my thoughts. I sighed. Great.

I opened the door and looked at her, I was hesitant, hoping she'd change her mind.

"I'm sorry I had to do this, Lex. I care about you and I don't want you to burn in hell one day, while the rest of us are up in Heaven," she spoke. Unbelievable, she disgusts me.

I didn't mutter a word to her, I just got out and slammed the door. I looked when she rolled the window down. "I'll be here in an hour to pick you up." She said. I nodded and headed to the door, then when she took off, so did I. There was no way I was participating in this bullshit.

I didn't know where to go so I just walked around for a while. I didn't have money to spend, so when I came across a park I went there and started swinging on the swings. I checked my phone, it was 2:13. She'd be there at three, so I'd walk back a few minutes before then so she didn't see me coming from somewhere else.

I was startled when someone spoke to me from the swing beside myself, I didn't even know she'd been sitting there. "Hey," she said.

"Um, hi." I answered, looking at her.

"You look distressed. Is there something going on in your life you want to talk about?" She asked me.

I considered telling her but I wasn't sure if I could trust her, I mean, after all, I never met her before. I didn't know a thing about her. She could go off and tell people, but, then again I don't think she would, not that it would matter unless she knew someone I did.

Also, why would some stranger care enough to hear about my bullshit of a life? Why would she want to sit there and listen to me complain when she barely even knew me? Of course, maybe she was just a genuinely caring person, and I decided I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get out my feelings.

"Do I know you?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, well, no, but I go to your school, I'm in some of your classes." Oh. Great, well I don't know if I should tell her now. "I'm Alana, by the way."


"I know." She smiled warmly. "I've been to some of your parties before." Had she really? I felt bad that I don't even recognize her.

"Then how come I didn't recognize you?" I asked. She shrugged. "Well, at school you're used to me being dressed as a dude, well, because I'm not ready to come out to anyone there, they're transphobic assholes." I nodded in understanding. So Alana was a transgender girl? That was so cool. I wish I'd known her sooner.

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