Chapter 17

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I was surprised when they actually let me stay in the room to comfort Kellin while they were questioning him. I just held his hand and listened to them talk.

I sensed that Kellin was uncomfortable but this needed to be done. At least someone was by his side.

"Kellin," the doctor started. "How long has this been going on?" He asked me.

"Long enough," I muttered.

Kellin wasn't far behind with his answer. "A few years,"

"Is he always this bad?" He questioned, earning a nod from Kellin.

"Okay, and how about your mom? Does she hit you too? Does he hit her?" He continued interrogating Kellin.

"No, my mom is so sweet. I love her so much, she wouldn't hurt a fly.." Kellin trailed off. "But.. I don't know if he hits her, I've never seen it first hand but I wouldn't doubt it." He told him, quietly.

I knew Kellin was beyond passed his comfort zone. They knew what they needed to know for the most part and I was hoping for Kellin's sake that they were almost done because I knew when Kellin was getting overwhelmed, and he was.

"One last question," the doctor stated. "Do you have any siblings? And if you do, does he hurt them?"

He shook his head. "I'm an only child," he told the doctor, who then jotted down whatever onto his small notepad, and then he stood. "I'll be back in a little bit, Kellin. Would you like to see your mom?" He asked, and Kellin nodded quickly, at least he had his mom and she wasn't like his dad. Kellin needed her.

A few moments had passed before Kellin's mother came in, thankfully without his father. She rushed to him and hugged him gently. "Oh, Kell, my poor baby," she cooed. "I'll never, ever let you get hurt again, okay?" She said to him. He nodded. "Oh, my baby, I love you so much." I could tell she was about to cry.

"I love you too, mom," Kellin's voice cracked.

"They're calling the cops and they're gonna take your father away." She told us, more so Kellin than me.

"Good," I scoffed. I couldn't believe someone could be as sick as Kellin's dad. I was just glad Kellin didn't have to deal with it now.

His moms eyes held one prominent emotion, sadness. She felt guilty for not knowing about what was going on, and sad that she'd been sitting by while her child was abused by his own father. I could tell, I was good at reading people.

I stood up, "I'm going to let you two talk." I said before I got up and headed out to the waiting room, sitting beside Jack. I noticed two policemen who were putting Kellin's dad in handcuffs. Good, he deserved to rot in prison.

Everyone was gathered around, watching the scene as it unraveled. He was humiliated, but that was good. He deserved it after what he did to Kellin.

I was glad he was being put where he belonged. I was glad he would be out of Kellin's life, unable to hurt him any longer.

"I'm hungry," I said to Jack as my stomach growled. "Going to get something from the vending machine, want anything?"

"Just some chips," he told me before I nodded and headed to the other side of the waiting room. I put in the money, scanning all of my options of food. I chose some powdered donuts, then got Jack a bag of cool ranch Doritos, they were his favorite. I walked back over, handing his chips to him, and we both started eating.

Kellin's POV

I wasn't completely sure how I felt, okay, so maybe I was happy, way happy that my father wouldn't be able to hurt me anymore, yet at the same time I felt a pang of guilt because I knew my mom loved him, and now, they'd be filing for divorce. My dad was going to prison.

I decided that he'd deserved it, that I wouldn't let myself feel terribly guilty about what was happening because he was the one who did it after all, he was the one who tried to kill me.

My dad not being in my life anymore would be such a bittersweet feeling. One one hand, he was an abusive piece of shit, but on the other hand this was the man who's been 'raising' me since birth. He'd only recently started hurting me. He wasn't always like that. At one point, he took pride in me being his son, but when, at least I think, he thought that I was gay, things changed. He probably suspected it, and honestly it wouldn't surprise me, but either way, that didn't give him the right to hurt me.

When I was younger, we spent a lot of time together. He took me to baseball games and we'd go driving in some of the fast cars he had. He used to do street racing or whatever, and it was fun, but I kind of grew to where I was old enough to know what I liked. I found myself wanting to play with Barbie dolls instead of dinosaurs and matchbox cars. My mom used to paint my toenails cause she was bored, and she was weird, but I honestly never had a problem with it. I enjoyed it.

My dad caught on. At first, he shrugged it off like it was a phase, I was a child after all, but when I turned 13 and I was still into girlier stuff still, that's when the abuse started.

It started slowly, and got worse and worse gradually, until I ended up here, in a hospital with multiple stab wounds, beat to a pulp. I don't think I'd ever forgive him. He didn't deserve my forgiveness.

All of these thoughts were starting to stress me out and suddenly I felt like the air was being sucked from my lungs, so I forced myself to dismiss my thoughts and I closed my eyes. Luckily it wasn't long before I was drifting off into a somewhat peaceful slumber.

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