Chapter 14

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a/n: so, I'm not promising anything but I'm going to try and binge write the rest of this story within the next week because I want to move on to working on The Florist, so, enjoy and you're welcome! Also, when there's not a specific POV listed in the beginning of the chapter, it's Alex's POV. The only time that I state his is after I've been writing in someone else's like Kellin or Jack. I'm also not sure where this story is going so bare with me and I'm sorry if it is all over the place.


I was never the kind of person who isolated myself from the human race, but it was getting progressively harder and harder not to. The only person I talked to every day was Jack, because he was all I needed to get me through the day. It's probably not healthy to rely on him for happiness but I knew things would work out, that things would be okay with us, forever.

Recently, though, our parents have all been getting suspicious of all the time we spend together, which is the only reason for my anxieties to be as bad as they are. No matter what, my parents can not find out that I'm gay. They would disown me, they would kick me out, and they even would refuse to pay for college. I couldn't afford college and I wasn't up for scrubbing the toilets at Burger King for the rest of my life, so, they really, really, can not find out about my sexuality.

That was my worst fear; although you shouldn't have to fear your parents. Unfortunately, that's how I am, because they're narrow minded bigots. I was afraid of not being good enough for them.

I sighed and called up Jack. I was hoping he could distract me from overthinking this anymore than I already have been.

After 3 rings, he picked up, sounding like he was in distress. "Hello..?"

"Jack, hey. Are you.. Is everything okay?"

"No, Lex, my parents know about us.." He said. My stomach felt like it was going to fall out of my butt.

"I.. They.. w-what?" I questioned. "Are they gonna t-tell my parents? How do they know? What are we gonna do?" So many questions were going through my head. My worst nightmare is becoming a reality.

"I don't know, Lex, probably.. and, I guess they saw us kissing? I don't know, she didn't explain it.. I don't know what's going to happen, just stay calm.." He continued on but I tuned out and started overthinking all over again. This could be so bad, so, so bad. I can't do this.

"Alex!!" I heard my mother shouted from downstairs.

"J-Jack, I gotta go, moms calling me."

I heard him sigh. "I love you, Lex, no matter what happens."

"I love you too," I murmured before hanging up.

This was going to be the end of me. I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I got up and started walking toward the door to go into the hallway.

"Alex!!" She screamed louder. She did not seem happy.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming, I'm on my way." I said as I entered the hallway. I headed down the stairs to her, before she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the living room. My father was in the recliner and she sat down on the sofa, where she patted the spot next to her and I took a seat.

"Listen, son," my father began. "We know you really like this Jack kid, and you know I won't accept any of that disgusting homosexual bullshit going on with my son. Or any of my kids for that matter, now, Jack's parents called and told us that you two were together. I want to know if that is true."

"No, dad, of course not--"

"Alex, honestly, we can see right through the lies." My mother scolded.

"Okay.. Yeah, I'm gay, I'm in love with Jack, but what's so wrong with it? It's just love, you know?" I sighed.

"No, it is not just love!" My father snapped. "It is an abomination! And I will not accept that you are gay. I did not raise a faggot." He said, angrily. "Now, you have one of two options." He said.

"And, those options are?" I said, annoyed.

He narrowed his eyes before opening his mouth to speak again. "Go to conversion therapy or get the fuck out of my house." He snapped. I didn't have anywhere to go, especially since Jack's parents aren't any better than mine. I couldn't stay with him, I had no job, and no money. I cut Kellin off so I'm kind of fucked there too.

I gulped, knowing I had no other choice. I'll fake it until I don't have to anymore. "I'll go to therapy.." I said, weakly.

"Good. I'm proud of you for wanting to be better. You know being gay is a sin, you'll be sent to hell unless you change and ask for forgiveness, and repent."

I nodded, feeling sick.

"That means no more seeing Jack."

I sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. I could just sneak around, couldn't I? "Okay."

"Give me your phone." He said. I narrowed my eyes.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I'm downloading a tracker, in case you decide to sneak out and see him. Just until we can trust you." He said. I sighed, reluctantly giving him my phone. I decided just to go up to my room and lay down. My mother returned upstairs to give me my phone.

"You're not allowed to text or talk to him either. So, block him on all social media."

I couldn't believe they were doing this, ripping everything I love away from me like this, all because they were too narrow-minded. I felt like I was suffocating, but at least I could still see Jack in school. They probably didn't even think about that.

I'm going to try to stay positive, because if I can make it through this, then I can make it through anything.

I got dressed for bed and pulled the cover over my head, drifting off into a restless nights sleep.

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