Chapter 7

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It wasn't long before Jack's place was crowded with people, dirty dancing and getting wasted. Jack was even drinking to his limits already.

The party was hype and there was a lot going on. I looked around and found Jack playing beer pong. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to his room. I wasn't feeling the party. I just wanted Jack.

We made out for a good twenty minutes before he broke away, claiming he needed to go keep am eye on the party, which wasn't completely a lie. We had to make sure a few people don't get in or that we don't get busted by police.


"I can't feel my face." Kellin giggled, slapping himself a few times. The party was over, it was about 4 in the morning. Jack and Kellin were wasted. I was a bit tipsy but I didn't want to deal with a hangover tomorrow. If I had one I wouldn't have the energy or patience to clean this place up. Even if Jack doesn't help, I still want to get it cleaned up so he didn't get in trouble.

I laughed, handing Kellin a bottle of cold water. "Drink this, so your hangover won't be as bad in the morning."

He just giggled and drank it down, for the most part being quiet. Kellin and I were the only ones left at Jack's house.

He chugged down about half of the bottle. "Do either of you know why Vic hates me?" He slurred.

I frowned. "Because he's a narrow minded asshole. You don't need him in your life."

"But I realized last weekend that I really do like him." He whined.

I sighed. Poor Kellin, he didn't deserve to have these issues. I hugged him, he was quick to hug me back. I was sure he needed the comfort. "Don't let thoughts of that douche bag ruin your night." Jack murmured.

"So you're gay for sure?" I asked him. His eyes widened, like he had just now realized what he said.

"W-What? No. Of course n-"

"No need to lie, Kells," I interrupted. "Me and Jack are gay too." As I finished my sentence, he seemed to visibly relax.

"Y-You won't tell anyone?" He murmured.

"Of course not, your secrets safe with us. Now lie down and get some rest." I smiled before kissing his cheek. He laid down and fell fast asleep, in a matter of minutes.

I laid in bed with Jack, snuggling close to him. I closed my eyes, and before I knew it I was talking into my sleepy state.


I woke up the next morning feeling pretty okay, but then again I hadn't had much to drink the previous night. I felt tired and lazy so instead of getting up, I laid still, snuggling even closer to my sleeping boyfriend.

I turned my head to look at Kellin, and he was still fast asleep like Jack was, so I relaxed, knowing I didn't have any responsibilities for at least another hour.

Jack woke moments later, wrapping his arms around me tighter. He kissed my forehead, smiling in his half-asleep state. "Good morning, handsome." He said, his voice hoarse from the night of partying the night before.

Kellin was the last to wake up. He woke up around a half hour after Jack, groaning and complaining about how bad his head hurt.

"There's ibuprophen and aspirin in the bathroom downstairs." Jack told him. He disappeared moments later, coming back with water in hand.

Within the hour, we were all up and ready for the day, which, we spent s good majority of it cleaning up the mess from the previous night. This was why I don't throw parties. I hate cleaning, so this wasn't neccessarily my favorite activity.

After most of the day, it was just me cleaning and that irritated me. But hey, someone had to get the job done.

Jack and Kellin were feeling too sick to continue on and I was too nice of a dude to leave them hanging and leave my boyfriends house looking like trash.

That wasn't me. I liked to help out as much as I could.

And in this case, it was something that was critical. I knew Jack's mom wasn't due home for another week, but what if something happened? Better safe than sorry, right?


Come Sunday, and Kellin was still staying over with me and Jack. They were feeling a lot better. I knew something was up with Kellin, and I knew it had to do with Vic, but he wouldn't tell me much. If he had to be drunk to talk to me then I guess I just am not that important to him. I really don't want him bottling it up though because it isn't healthy for him, and I want him to be happy. He's one of my best friends.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "Alex?"

It was Kellin. "Oh, hey, Kell. What's up?"

"I think I'm going to go home." He told me, smiling. "I'll see you in school, yeah?" He said before he gave me a hug. I nodded.

"Sure thing, dude. Feel better by the way. Remember he isn't worth it. Don't let Vic take away your happiness." I told him. He smiled and nodded.

"I know, thanks." He replied, before walking to the front door and heading out.

I got two glasses of water, heading upstairs to Jack. I handed him one and sipped on the other.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"How about we go to the store? I could go for some candy or some junk food or something." He suggested. I nodded and got up with him. We were already dressed for the day so he went to the kitchen to grab his keys. Within a few minutes we were on our way to the gas station down the street, grabbing bags of chips, candy bars, and ice cream.

The rest of day was spent watching movies and being the fat asses we are, and loving every moment of it.

a/n: I know I haven't been updating much lately and I'm super duper sorry. Graduation is around the corner and school things are totally overwhelming right now. I'll try the best I can to update more often. Thanks for reading guys! 😘😘

Actors (Jalex)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora