Destiny: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"It all started with an explosion in the heavens. Stars rained down like confetti. Three particularly bright stars landed in this here world. They were collectively called the Moirae. The eldest was Atropos, then Lachesis, then Clotho. All three were sisters, not by blood, but by spirit. So time went by and the Moirae stayed near the mountains they landed and watched the world grow. humans animal and plants flourished with their help. The Moirae were not ordinary stars, they were the three that control the fate of every living creature. Clotho spins the thread of life, Lachesis measures it, and Atropos cuts it and ends the life.

This went on for many of hundreds of years and the humans and Moirae lived side by side in peace. But a seed of suspicion was planted in the humans' brains. They began to question their powers; claiming the Moirae were creatures of dark magic. so the Burnings began. Every person who was somehow connected to the Moirae would be burned alive. At the night of the new moon, Clotho, the youngest, went missing. She had run off to play with the village girls who lived nearby. One girl's mother in particular loved her like a daughter and was essentially Clotho's mother. Clotho was not let out of the house near the top of the mountains often, but when she was she always went to the girl's mother.

On this day of treachery and murder the adults at once recognized her as one of the Moirae and, after Burning adoptive mother, they attempted at killing her. Now, the Moirae are immortal unless slayed by a human hand. When Clotho was nearly gone, Lachesis descended in all of her glory and placed a curse on that village. Over time the curse has spread. Young Clotho's memory was severely damaged, so they gave her another life by transforming her back into a baby, and placing her in a woman's womb. Because she was not with the Moirae as the spinner of life, they had to give over their tasks to the gods until she could return to her sisters. Lachesis joined a caravan and disguised herself as a fortune teller. Atropos, well I returned to the village where we landed to wait for you, Clotho, to return."

She raised an eyebrow at Destiny as if to say 'well?'. Destiny had always known something was different about her, and now she knew why. to think, she was the cause of the curse she was trying to stop. That's what Serendipity, I mean Lachesis meant when she said the cure for the curse is a thing I cannot find.

'How do I stop it?' Destiny  asked.

'You mean you don't know?' Atropos said incredulously. Adrian and Destiny glanced at each other in shared confusion.

'Well isnt it obvious?', she asked then rolled her eyes ans murmured, 'kids these days.' She repositioned herself on the stool she was sitting on and stroked her pet duck lovingly.

'Destiny must forgive them for what for what they have done.' Destiny raised her eyebrows in surprise.

'That is simple. I can go and see the leader of this town and tell them right now!' Destiny started to get up, but Atropos' next words froze her in her tracks.

'Will you really mean it?'

'Of course', Adrian said, 'Destiny wants this Curse to disappear.'

'Hush boy.' Atropos scolded. Destiny had not moved and Adrian started to worry about her.

'Do you remember what it was like, sister? To watch a woman you regarded as your mother burn alive before your eyes.' Destiny now hesitated. 

'Do you want this Curse to go away?! Are you with us, or do you want to change Destiny's mind for the worse?!!' Adrian yelled.

'No need to scream young man. I need to her really believe that she forgives them. Now Destiny', she grasped Destiny's hands frantically, 'I see you do not remember what happened.' She closed her eyes and Destiny started shaking and felt the terrible pain she had endured once again. Flashes of memories danced before her showing Destiny the things she had forgotten. She saw the fire, the smoke, and the people standing cheering for her death.

'Stop it!' Adrian screamed, and the connection was broken. Destiny's ice blond hair covered her face, bur her shaking figure revealed her fear.

'I will-I must forgive them if not Melina, Quinn.... all the others will die.' She said, her voice getting stronger.

'Very well. However because you have lost your ability to love, it might not work.' Destiny looked confused at the concept of love but Adrian spoke frantically,

'Will she ever be able to love again? Will you hellp her?'  A spark of hope ignited in his chocolate eyes.

'It is not a matter of willingness, but of if its possible.' She stated sadly.

'At least try.' he whispered, and clasped one of Destiny's hands between his lovingly. She felt his warmth but not how much he cared for her. adrian knew if this didn't work Destiny would never be able. However, he promised himself, I will never love anyone else.

Atropos closed her eyes shut and held out her hands, palms facing Destiny's heart. Energy filled the small room quickly as she started to chant in a languange Adrian did not understand. The duck quacked and jumped off Atropos' lap hurridly. The chanting continued to increase its volume. The energy sounded almost like static electricity and small violet bolts of it were fired into Destiny's heart. Her eyes were closed and her veins stood out of her temples in a indigo color. She gripped the sides of her wooden chair in anguish; then an explosion of color vibrated out of Destiny. She gasped as if she had been holding her breath the whole time. Her eyes opened and their whiteness glowed. A faint flush dusted her cheeks, she seemed whole, more alive in some sort. Atropos was breathing heavily with fatigue. 

'There,' she gasped, 'Its done.'

'Well did it work?' he asked. She shrugged and went to go look for her duck. 

'Destiny,' he started, she turned and stared at him.

'Yes?' He held her face between her hands, and planted a kiss on her pale lips. And she kissed him back. Adrian deepened the kiss but after an uncomfortable cough from atropos, Destiny laughed and broke it off. 

'I love you, Destiny'. She smiled with her mouth and eyes.

'I love you too Adrian.' His grin lit up his face, and he embraced her in a hug that expressed all of his adoration for his one and only Destiny.


'You can save us? You mean, its possible?' The grey bearded mayor questioned in astonishment. Destiny and Adrian had bounded from Atropos' small hut to the antinque town hall to recommend the idea to cure the Curse. The saddened mayor that was elected last year had lost hope of ever saving his town and all the rest of the infected children. He was somewhat skeptical of the idea, but was willing to try anything.

'How do you propose we do this?' adrian asked Destiny. She lifted her head and rubbed her hand rythmically on the arm of the velvet chair she sat on. She furrowed her eyebrows together in concentration.

'Perhaps.... Are the original members of the town council that influenced the Curse including thay mayor, still alive?' she said, turning towards the most recent mayor.

'Yes, most of them, they live mostly in town except for the old mayor who lives outside the town walls. He is by himself and ashamed for what he did. He blames himself and is very weak and feeble. He will do anything you ask of him.'

'Good. Gather the old town council in the meeting room and we will go after the old mayor,' Destiny stated, 'we will hold the meeting tomorrow at noon.'


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2012 ⏰

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