The crashing

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Sorry guys it's been a while since I last posted.

It was only Tuesday so I had to get up and go to school. After I came home I immediately finished all my homework so I could go surfing once I was done.
     I just finished so I called Dinah and this time she picked me up to save gas. We got down to Rincon and I put sunscreen on then the leash of my board on my ankle. The waves were bigger today then they usually are. They were probably 6-7 feet. Dinah and I were both shredding it up. Another set came and there was a wave that was probebly 8 feet which for me is a big wave. I decided to go for it and I  actually caught it I could hear Dinah cheering me on. I was riding the wave but during the end I lost my balance and slipped off my board. The wave crashed over me. It was extremely painful. The wave was so big and strong that it snapped my leash in half. My board got carried into the rocks I was rushing to get it because it is 700$ board and I do not want it to get all banged up.
Lauren's pov
     I was in my room and I looked out my window to see the waves bigger then they normally were. I went outside and sat under the same tree that I always do and watched the surfers riding the waves. Some were doing good and others were getting attacked by the big strong waves. This extremely big wave came and one of the surfers got it, it was impressive  bit at the end they must have lost their balance because the wave crashes on top of them. I saw the surfers board get washed up in the rocks. I decided to be nice and go and grab it for the surfer before it got damaged by the rocks. The surfer came out of the water and said oh gosh, thank you so much for grabbing it! I really didn't want it to get. . . The surfer stopped talking so I looked up to see Clara. Hi she said extremely quite. I handed her the board she smiled and grabbed it. I looked down at her leg and it was gushing blood. Oh God Clara, your leg. Oh it's ok it will be fine. I told her to come with me and I took her over to my house.
Clara's pov
     When I realized that it was Lauren that had my board I got a little to exited. She told me to follow her and ofcores I listened. She told me that I could set down my board in The grass of what must be her house. I was so Jealous she lived on Rincon beach! That has been my dream since I was 12 years old and started surfing. This is your house! I said out loud. She laughed and said yes "She has such a beautiful laugh" (I thought to myself.) She brought me inside to her kitchen and she lifted me up and sat me down on the big island in her kitchen. My legs were hanging off of the island. She got a towel and got it wet. She then cleaned my cut and wrapped it up and I couldn't help but to get goosebumps every time that she touched me. She looked up at me and I said Lauren why did y... She cut me off  by her lips pressed on mine and I was surprised but automatically kissed back. I loved the position we were in I was still up on the counter and she was in between my legs. This time I was the dominate one and I asked for entrance and I explored her mouth after a while I had to breath so we stopped kissing but I was still holding onto her I wasn't going to let her leave me again. Please don't leave me again i whispers into her ear. After I said that she kissed me on the cheek for reassurance. I then there was a knocking on the door and Lauren went to open it. Dinah was standing with a confused look on her face and said Clara are you ok what the hell happened she then looked over at me and I could tell that she was putting all the pieces  together. I'm fine. Dinah then said that she was going to leave so I was starting to get up but Lauren stopped me. It's ok I can take her home I don't want her to have to walk on her leg. Dina looked at Lauren and smiled. Dina then said ok and left. After Dina left she looked up at me. We need to talk she said. Yes we do I agreed. We sat down on her couch and she opend up and told me about her father and little brother that she lost and how her mom changed. She told me all of the terrible things she had done. After she finished it made me love her even more.
Look Clara im not good at dating people, I always mess it up.

Well we could just try

I don't want to hurt you

You are hurting me more by not letting me in

Look I'm extremely different  then you. Your happy and full of light and I'm... Not.

I can try and fix that. We don't have to move fast we can just start out as friends

I don't know...

What's so wrong with having a friend?

Ok I guess...


I hugged her, I was so happy I knew that if we got to spend time we would turn into more then friends. I can tell this because the sexual tension in this room right now is overwhelming.

She told me that She would take me home. I was upset because we used a car not her motorcycle. I now had no excuse to touch her. " Wait! Lauren! Why are we not taking your motorcycle?"
I got caught smoking weed so I got it taken away for a week I get it back in a couple of days.
"Oh ok"
I said. I didn't want to ask her anymore questions and make her upset.
I got in the passenger seat and I watched her as she got in and buckled her seatbelt. She looked over at me and gave me the cutest smile which gave me butterflies through my whole body. I smiled back and then she started the car. We didn't talk I just watched her the entire 30min car ride. I realized that when she was concentrating on something she would bite down on her bottom lip and it was beautiful. She dropped me off at my house we said goodbye I then got out of the car and started walking away she rolled down the window and yelled
Clara! Next time you stare at me don't make it so obvious. I just blushed and said bye again and then heard her start laughing. I just remembered that I still didn't have her number. "Wait Lauren can you give me you number?"
Yah where's your phone?
"I think I left it in Dinah's car."
Okay come here.       
I go back in her car and she grabbed my hand and wrote her number on it. She had to come close to me to get the right position and when she finished I looked up at her and her face was extremely close to mine. I really wanted to kiss her but I pulled myself together and got out of the car. Okay bye again Clara. I waved at her and then I went inside. My mom was in the living room working on her computer. Hi mom! Wow someone is happy today, who dropped you off.
"Oh just one of my new friends" I said
My mom gave me a knowing look. "Mom! Stop! We're just friends."My mom laughed. Okay but I want to meet him. I was going to tell her that it was a girl but I knew that if I said that I would get a lot more questions so I just said "okay mom" and walked up to my room. It was a crazy day today I looked at the clock and it was only 5:00 pm so I decided that I would just relax on my bed.

About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door I opened it to find a smirking  Dinah. Tell me everything she said.
Wow okay slow down And give me my phone first. After she gave me my phone I immediately put Lauren's phone number in. I didn't text her because I didn't want to seem overly attached to her. I decided I would text her later. After I finished I told Dinah everything and then we watched a movie on my computer. She ended up leaving around 10:00 pm because we have school tomorrow.

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