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(This isn't fully proofread yet)

     I woke up, not to long after I looked at the clock and it was still only 5:30. My brother is coming home today and I decided to enjoy the silence before he gets here. When I am emotional wether  it is overly happy or I am mad or sad I have this urge to dance and all of those emotions were running through my body. It also helped that nobody was here and I love just being able to let myself go and dance like a freak, all by my self. I danced for about an hour while I blasted my music full-blast.
     After I looked at my phone to find hundreds of texts from Dinah. I called her and she immediately picked up. I talked to her for multiple hours telling her everything that happened and she was so supportive and happy for me.
Lauren's pov
     I woke up at around 5:25 in the morning. I felt so bad that I kept on leading people on, but I had to leave. Clara was different then the other girls. I could tell that she really cared about me. I don't understand why I have to be such a fuckup. I didn't want to leave, she was so beautiful and warm on top of me. I slowly got up from underneath her and I hurried to get dressed. I then put her clothes on top of her dresser and turned around to look at her one last time. She was starting to move around so I quickly sprinted outside to my motorcycle. I started it and drove away as I heard her screaming out my name. I felt like a pice of shit. I started crying I drove back to my house and my parents weren't going to be back till later. I hate our house it is three story's tall and extremely fancy. We don't use over half of the rooms. The only part that I like is that we live right on the beach, my backyard is the beach.
     I walked inside and made my way up to my room. I did the only thing I ever did when I was feeling depressed. I took out my bong and got extremely high. I then played 1975 which is the best music to listen to when you are high and just closed my eyes. After I could feel that I was high enough I took my music and sat on the beach. Your probably wondering why I'm not tan if I live right by the beach and it is because I never wear shorts and I always have a hat on and I'm always siting under this one tree that is right by my house. I was listening to my music and just watching the surfers. I had always wanted to try and surf but nobody I knew knows how to. I heard a car pull up to the house and I guessed that it was my mom so I finished listening to the song fallingforyou and then walked inside. I then started sprinting to my room when I remembered that my bong was still on my bed. I ran up to go and hide it but it was too late my mom was staring at it with horror. She looked over at me LAUREN MICHELLE JAUREGUI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS!! She picked it up and threw it out the window I knew that there was no point in arguing with her so I just said sorry and then tried to walk out but my mom grabbed me by the wrist give me your keys she said I told her no but she still took them. You don't get these back for the rest of the week! I decided to just not say anything and let her yell at me.
Clara's pov
Sammy just got back and let me just say that our house is extremely loud again. I will admit that I missed him a little bit. The house feels empty without him. Sammy looks just like me but boy version and a lot smaller. My mom made our favorite dinner for us, lasana to celebrate him coming home. After we finished I played some video games with him and then I went up to my room and did all my homework. I had to go back to school tomorrow and I really didn't want to. When I finished I picked out my outfit for tomorrow and put all of my books in my backpack. I try my hardest to stay organized. I then took a shower and washed my hair. I know it might seem disgusting but whenever I'm on break I barely wash my hair. I like the way that the ocean makes my hair feel and smell. I put on my pajamas and was reading my favorite book, "Looking For Alaska". I then went to sleep.
I woke up in the morning to hear my alarm clock going off. I wake up at 6:30 because my school Starts at 7:45. I got my self ready then went downstairs to make myself a lunch. I then made myself a smoothie and took it with me as I drove to school. My schedule was Spanish 3, English, ceramics, math, science , geography, and dance. I then was taking an extra science class after school. I was taking it because I want to Be a scientist that works with marine animals, so I feel like it will help me later on in life.
It was a normal day at school I got to see all of my friends again. Camila and I are going on a hike after school ends. I love hiking so much. It is about a 15min drive to the nearest mountains we hiked up some of the trails before heading back down. We went over to my house and my mom prepared us and Sammy some snack after we finished we went up to my room and did our homework while we listens to my music which was just basically The 1975, borns, hozier, and a little bit of Rihanna. After we finished she left to go home.

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