I found you

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I can't believe that I found her!!!
My body was paralyzed nothing was working. I was staring at her as she was being hand cuffed. She looked up at me and we made eye contact. I didn't even realize what I was doing at first but I soon realized that I was sprinting after her I was screaming WAIT!!! WAIT!!! Until I was right next to her. I then slowed down a little bit after I realized that all the cops were looking at me. I walked up and I was right by the goddess.
Lauren's pov
I don't understand why they always have to ruin my day. I was just sitting at a park and they came up to me and they were like "mam some people at this park have said that their has been a lot of drug use, we need to check your bags." And then I was like hell no you don't have the right and then they were like "mam yes we do because there was a complaint." And now I'm getting arrested for having a small amount of weed! What the he'll is wrong with them! I was about to start sassing them buts I got interrupted by this girl shouting out at us Wait! Wait! It sounded really familiar I was trying to remember where I heard that before and the I remember that I saved her ass at the 1975 concert. I was wondering to myself what she was doing here. I have to admit though that she is cute she was sprinting down the park running right over to me. I couldn't help but want to know what she wanted. As she came up right next to me she was staring intensity into my eyes. I could already tell that we were complete opposites. She is extremely tan and has sandy brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders it is straight and has sun kissed highlights of pure blond in it. She has big brown eyes and the perfect amount of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was wearing a pare of short overalls with a beautiful white bralet underneath that exposes a lot of her tan skin. The officers asked her what her name was and she told them that it was Clara then they asked Clara if she new who I was and Clara said that she did. I didn't understand what she was trying to do because I don't know her.... But then I got a great idea Clara could maybe help me get out of here without my mom finding out that I got in trouble again.
My family is strict my mom spends more of her life working then she does on anything else. She barely ever sleeps and if she ever has a day off ( which is extremely rare) she spends it shopping or with my step dad. I never see her. She used to be the best mom ever. She would make sure that we got to talk every day. That all changed after my father and only sibling died in a car accident. After they left she put up a big wall between us but I can't blame her because I did the same. I don't let anyone in and I never want to be in a relationship. I take guys and girls home all the time but the next day when they wake up I tell them that they mean nothing to me and that is how I like it and that is how I'm planning on keeping it. I'm 18 years old but I feel a lot older I'm already addicted to about every drug that you can think of and I drink way to much. You may think that I sound like a complete idiot that has already waisted her life but there are secrets to me that I never talk about. Like I love music and I love writing and I also .... I got knocked out of my intense thinking by the police talking they pushed me into the back of the car and then I heard Clara saying Sir can I please also go with you guys. It sort of made me mad about how polite she was. They said it was ok, she got in the back next to me. I decided to make the best of the awkward situation by being more approachable Hi I'm Lauren Jauregui....
Clara's pov
I knew that it was a little strange to ask if I can ride in the police car with someone who I don't really know but I have been looking for this goddess. Now that I have found her there is no way that I am going to let her leave me again. So I got in the back and she surprisingly introduced herself . I'm Lauren Jauregui I couldn't be any happier! I know my goddesses name! I told my self that I had to calm down and act chill if I didn't want scare Lauren away. It's nice to meet you I'm Clara Loomis. It was a little bit awkward but I didn't care I was just so happy.
We arrived at the police station and one of the policemen said "ok Jauregui call you mom and tell her to come get you, then you can leave " I saw Lauren start to freak out I could tell that she probably had Strict parents I wanted to help I tried to persuade the policemen to let her go and to find something bigger to get mad over. The policemen said that they didn't have any other illegal situations right know. Right after he said that a guy came in with an officer and said that the guy was caught selling cocaine. The officer looked over at Lauren and said Jauregui this is your lucky day you guys can leave. I could tell how relieved she was as we walked out the police station. After we got into the fresh air she said thank you to me. I was so happy I didn't think I could be any happier but I was wrong because when I was expecting it the least she hugged me. She was a little taller than me so her arms wrapped around my neck and mine wrapped around her torso I didn't want this to ever end. When lauren hugged me it felt like electricity was running around in my body. She let go of me after my phone started ringing. I picked it up trying to not sound too happy
My mom- Are you ok Clara? You have been gone for over an hour I made tacos and they are going to get cold.
I apologized to my mom sorry mom I ran into someone.
My mom being the nosy person she is asked who and I told her it was just someone that I met while I was at the 1975 concert. My mom got all exited and said that I should bring the person over. I told her that wasn't the best idea and that I would be home soon. Lauren still seemed worried I asked her what was the matter and she said that she was worried that her family was going to be able to smell the marijuana on her. I then worked up the currage and invited her over she said yes and then she said Where is you car?
I told her that I didn't bring it and so she let me ride in the back of her motorcycle. I enoeyed it probably more than I should of. I made sure that I pressed my body as close as I could to hers and I think she realized that I was enjoying it because she had a smirk on her face the entire time.
      We got to my house and we walked inside my mom got up and greeted Lauren.
My mom Hi it's nice to meet you! What's your name?
L- Hi, I'm Lauren
I loved how her voice was raspy it made me more attracted to her which I didn't think was possible. My mom smiled and told us that she was going out with her friends and that she would be back later. I showed Lauren around then we ate some tacos.
     We went up to my room and I told her that she could take a shower if she wanted to. So she could get the smell off of her. She smiled and I showed her where my bathroom was. I decided that she was probably planning on staying the night which I was a little to exited about. After she was taking a Shower I immediately got up and I texted Dinah and let her knew that I found her I then took out the two pictures that I drew of her and hid them better than before. I didn't want her to think that I was a creep. I realized that she was going to probably borrow some pajamas so I got her a plain white v neck and a pair of spandex, I could lie and say that I randomly picked out the white v neck and spandex but it definitely was planned. Especially the spandex ;).

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