mysterious girl

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I picked up  the white v neck and spandex and walked over to the bathroom, I knocked on the door.
Me- Lauren I have some clothes for you, do you want me to leave them in front of the door?

Lauren- No it's ok you can just give them to me.

     She opend up the door to have a towel wrapped around her, it was a beautiful sight. I couldn't help but wishing it would fall off of her. I looked her up and down and just pictured how good her light smooth skin would look against my tan skin. I think she could tell that I was staring at her because she was giving me a knowing look.
She smiled at me and said thank you. I then left so she could get changed.
I went back to my room and I also put on spandex with a tee shirt. I then laid on my bed, I was so happy. She walked into my room with my clothes on and I knew that I made a good choice. The white v neck was see through and you could see her red bra underneath and let me just say that those spandex fitted perfectly around her ass. I looked back up to her face and she had no makeup on and her hair was still slightly damp.  She smiled at me and told me that she had to smoke, I went outside to my backyard with her as she smoked her cigarette. I tried to ask her questions but she cut me of and said So why the hell did you go through all of this work to save a strangers ass? I had to think about it for a second before saying the first time I met you I never got the chance to say thank you for helping me. She told me that we were now even. I watched her every move as she sucked in the rolled up cigarette and held for a few seconds before letting out the smoke. She then turned to me and asked if I wanted it. It was the first time that I had to actually force myself to say no. Usually if someone asked me if I wanted to smoke, do drugs, or drink I would say no in a heart beat. I have never done anything like that, but knowing that my lips could possibly touch something that her lips touched made it a challenge. I still said no.
     We went back in the house and it was already 12:00 at night so I decided that we should probably go to sleep. I asked her if  she wanted to sleep on one of the couches in the living room and she gave me a funny look and said Clara your bed is a king size, I think we can both fit.
     My mouth was open and I was trying to get words out of my mouth she then smirked and walked in front of me to my room. I followed behind her as i watched her walk to my room. She  Laid down on my bed and I turned off the lights. I then laid down by her but making sure no to touch her, I wanted to give her space.
I had been laying next to her for about 30 minutes now and I had to touch her. I think that she was already asleep so I slowly bent my leg so it was touching hers. My heart was beating extremely fast, but I needed more so as quietly as a could I moved my body a few inches closer. I kept on moving closer until our body's we touching. I looked up at her face and our faces were only inches apart, I couldn't help to stare at her. She was so beautiful. I thought that she was asleep, but I guess she wasn't because she opened up her eyes. I knew I should probably stop staring but I couldn't. Lauren's eyes were so captivating, I realized that she was also staring  into mine. She started to breath more heavy and I could feel her breathe on my face. I the looked down at her lips that were slightly parted I could tell that we were about to kiss. I closed my eyes, but she pulled away and started saying how she couldn't do this she started freaking out. I was disappointed but I tried to get her to calm down.
It's ok I said what is it that you don't do?
She then looked at be while saying I don't do relationships.
I didn't understand how someone so beautiful didn't do relationships.
Why would you not want to be in a relationship?

L-I just don't I only do one night stands. I don't trust people and this way I can never get hurt.

C- Lauren everyone get hurt its just a part of life. You will never find someone you love if you don't put yourself out there.

L- But that's the thing I don't want to ever be in love, everything eventually dies, nothing is forever.

I could tell that Lauren had been extremely hurt in the past and that is probably why she is the way she is today. I decided that I was going to try to help her get over this wired fear that she has for love... I could tell that it might take a while though.
I was so into my thought that I didn't even realize that Lauren was trying to hold back her tears. It was the saddest thing that I have seen. I didn't really know what to say I didn't want to make her mad at me.
Lauren it's ok you don't need to hold back your tears if there is something that you need to talk about I'm right here.
She didn't say anything, she just slowly started to cry and I couldn't stand it. I hugged her as tight as I could. We were still laying down on the bed I just scooted up so I was a higher on the bed then Lauren. I then wrapped my arms around her she curled into my chest and at first Lauren made sure that her arms weren't touching me but after a while she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her even closer together then before. I could tell by this moment that she wasn't such a badass she was just broken and I wanted to fix her.
We were still hugging the only difference was that she stopped crying and now she was moving her upper leg in-between my two legs. She shifted so she was now not next to me but was now on top of me. She let go of my waist so I let go of her. Now we were just staring at each other. She muttered "fuck it" underneath her breath and then she slowly moved her lips down to mine. She then kisses me. It was just a sweet kiss on the lips and then she pulled away. She was staring at me again now and then she kissed me again, this time it lasted a little longer but then she started to pull away again before she pulled away completely I wrapped my hands around her neck and pulled her back into the kiss. I kept my hands like that so she couldn't pull away again. Our kiss started to get a little more heated. My heart was beating so loud and so fast, I was afraid that she could hear it. She moved her legs so she was now straddling me and I opened up my eyes to watch. It was so sexy I let out a moan which seemed to turn Lauren on more because she started biting my bottom lip trying to pull it down so I parted my lips as she quickly stuck in her tongue. I didn't even try to fight it I just let her explore my mouth, and it felt extremely good. I started to run my hands over every inch of her body and then she moaned and I couldn't take it anymore I needed more of her. She was hovering over me so I grabbed her by her waist so that she was now on top of me. We stayed like this for a long time. I didn't want it to end I wanted to take it further but I new that it was already moving to fast. We pulled apart she kissed me one last time before she laid back down on the bed and then she pulled me over to her so that my body was half on top of her and then we went to sleep.
I woke up to hear a door shutting I was guessing that it was my mom leaving to go to work but when I opened my eyes Lauren wasn't there. I then sprinted down to the front door and opened it I screamed out to Lauren but she just left on her motorcycle. That was it I thought to my self she was gone again, but this time I have a better chance of finding her. I went back into my room and laid down on my bed as my mind processed everything that just happened. I then thought about Lauren and I started crying no only because she was gone and I was sad but they were also happy tears that I found her and I got to touch her body and kiss her. I just laid on my bed and thought about her. She was so mysterious after a half of a day being with her she new so much about me but the only things that I new about her was her name, that she rides a motorcycle, she smokes, does drugs, and is broken. It was only 5:00 in the morning so I went to sleep for a little longer.

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