seventy three

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"ready to go?" tyler asked josh. josh just nodded in response. both boys grabbed a few things before they left.

they made their way to the car and got inside. as usual, josh opened the door for tyler and then got into the drivers side. once inside, the boys got buckled and started playing some music. tyler played some pokemon go too. they were on their way to tyler's parents house as of now, so they could figure everything out and finalize it.

silently, tyler bounced his knee up and down and hit his lip as they drove. they were nervous habits of his. he wasn't exactly looking forward to this. don't get me wrong, tyler was excited to go to college and move with his boyfriend and all. but, he wasn't looking forward to all of the responsibility that came with it. all of the decisions and such.

for christs sake, the most responsible thing he's done lately other than applying to college is adopting a cat. and he named said cat, 'sushi.' clearly, tyler was ready and mature enough for this.

josh noticed tyler's actions and looked over at him. he shot tyler a reassuring smile and then took one hand off the wheel, placing it on tyler's thigh. he gave it a small squeeze and kept it there for a few seconds. with this, tyler visually relaxed and that made josh feel a lot better. he hated seeing tyler so anxious.

it was only a matter of minutes before they were pulling into a drive way and parking. they got out in unison and josh went over to grab tyler's hand. tyler looked a bit more calm than earlier, which was good.

they went to the front door and tyler just walked inside with josh trailing behind him. this went against josh's whole 'knock first' thing, but he only went along with it for tyler.

"mom?" tyler called out as they entered the family room, sitting down on the couch.

"just a second, sweetie." she called down the stairs. and only a few minutes later she was joining them on a chair next to the couch.

tyler stood to give his mother a quick hug. josh settled for a small 'hello' and wave. which she returned. tyler sat back down beside josh afterwards.

"i'm so proud of you... you're really growing up." she said to tyler, hurt clear in her voice. she sounded a bit choked up.

"yeah..." tyler didn't really know how to respond to that. "thank you."

"so, i'm assuming, we have to talk about the financials and all of this." tyler nodded. "have you guys thought about it or started looking some stuff up?" tyler's mom asked.

"yeah, well, kind of." he said awkwardly, scratching the neck of his neck and looking over at josh for help.

"um, i've found a job there, and taken out some money so we can get an apartment and tyler can start going to school, other than that we haven't gotten that far." josh answered for him.

"that's great! chris and i talked it over last night as well. we agreed that we'd pay for your first and second years. in two years, we'll discuss it again. if you guys are able to pay, then you can pay, but if you're not, well probably pay again. as long as tyler is happy." she announced happily.

tyler's jaw dropped at that. josh's eyes widened.

"mom... don't you know how expensive that's going to be?" he said, feeling kind of guilty.

"yeah, but it's okay. you're my first child to go to college, and i want you to not have to worry about it. it's no biggie. we've been saving up for this." his mom explained.

"you know, you really don't have to do this, mrs. joseph..." josh shook his head a bit.

"oh, but i want to. and call me mom, joshua. you're practically part of the family." she said with a warm smile.

josh's features visually changed as he heard that. he had a week smile, but excused himself for a moment to go outside. he needed a minute.

"well, now that we have everything figured out, all we have to do is go up there pretty much, right?" tyler asked.

"you've still got to work everything out, ty. but that's pretty much it." kelly nodded.

"this, this is great. thank you so much mom... you don't know how much this means to me." he whispered the last part.

"you're welcome, you deserve this. i love you." she said leaning over to wrap her arms around tyler.

"i love you too." and tyler wrapped his arms around her. a few moments passed by and tyler pulled away. "i don't want to seem rude... but i'm gonna go check on josh, then we're probably going to have to go. we'll be back later this week though." he assured her, kissing her cheek before he stood. "bye, mom."

and then tyler walked away. he walked outside to see josh sitting towards the side of the house on the brick steps. he had his head in his arms, and just looked over all upset. so, tyler walked over.

tyler sat beside his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him. "josh, baby, what's wrong?"

josh pulled his head up but still rested it on his arms, moving closer into tyler. he wasn't crying, it looked like he was just thinking. "i just... i don't really want to think about my family that much. and i felt so, i don't know, honored when you mom said i could call her mom. my own mom barely even wants me to call her that... saying i'm part of the family made me feel some type of way. a good type of way." he explained, a smile spreading over his face as he spoke.

"well... you are part of the family now. it may not be official, but you are. i love you, josh." tyler leaned forward to press a small kiss against josh's lips.

that made josh feel much, much better. "i love you too." he mumbled before leaning in to kiss tyler again. they didn't carry on for too long because tyler didn't want to do that here, that would be weird.

eventually, they were once again walking to the car and getting inside. josh let tyler in and then got in for himself. once inside, tyler texted brendon that they'd be over soon.



wow ilyasm i'm really excited omg.

i'm so nervous for tmrw tho kill me. like i'm going to be states away from home and wow it's scary

but thank you all for reading you're fucking great

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now