thirty five

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"hi," tyler said, not making a move to open his door. he knew josh could hear him though.

"can i come in?" josh asked, his tone quieter.

tyler thought about it.

did he really want to see josh? yes. was this a good idea? maybe. is this going to help anything? probably. does he still want josh? of course.

"sure." tyler muttered, not sounding as enthusiastic as he should've. he reached over next to him and grabbed a hoodie, specifically one he store from josh. it smelled like him, he liked the way josh smelled. tyler stood up and walked over to his door, laying his hand on the door knob and finally turning it.

josh stood there, looking straight forward as tyler stood in the door frame, looking down.

"i've missed you so much." josh said quietly, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around tyler. he wasn't lying, he missed tyler a lot. tyler hadn't left his mind at all. tyler wrapped his arms around josh as well, burying his face in josh's chest.

josh placed a small kiss on top of tyler's head before finally letting go of him. tyler grabbed josh's hand and laced their fingers together, smiling down at their hands. he may still be a little mad at josh, but he still wanted to be close to him. tyler walked into his room and shut the door behind him, sitting down on his bed once they were both inside. josh did the same and pulled tyler into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist once again.

they sat like that in silence for a few minutes. tyler was just playing around with their hands and josh just holding tyler and giving him occasional kisses. tyler knew he couldn't stay mad at josh any longer, and josh knew he wouldn't be able to keep himself away from tyler any longer.

"...tyler?" josh hesitantly decided to speak. he didn't want to ruin the moment, but he did want to know what he did to anger tyler so much.

"hmm?" tyler hummed, turning around to look over at josh.

"what happened?" was all josh asked. it was silent for a full minutes until tyler actually started speaking.

"some one told me that you had a girlfriend... and i guess i just got really jealous." tyler said quietly, not looking josh in the eye. he felt embarrassed at how childish he acted. hearing what tyler said made him really confused. josh obviously didn't have a girlfriend, the only person he was interested in was tyler.

"who would tell you tell you that?" josh asked, feeling a bit mad. not at tyler, but at who ever told tyler this.

"uhm, well. i tried texting you, and someone else was on your kik. and, uhm, they told me you had a girlfriend and stuff. like not to talk to you." tyler answered sheepishly, his face turning pink. "so i didn't..." he finished with a sigh, looking up at josh finally.

"well, if it helps, i don't even like girls." josh said with a smirk. "i don't even like any one else really, i just like you." this made tyler smile. "and i feel terrible for making you feel like this, is there any way i can make it up to you?" he asked, still smirking a bit.

"i mean, some kisses and lots of hugs would be nice." tyler said, looking up at josh and wrapping his arms around his neck. josh rolled his eyes and laughed a bit. they were back to normal now.

"anything else?" josh asked, making sure.

"can i sleep over?" tyler asked, biting his lip. he knew josh would let him though.

"is that even a question?" josh said, grinning but nodding.

tyler stood up, a huge smile on his face. "i'm going to go take a shower, i'm gross. stay here for a minute." he said.

"or we could take a shower together when we get to my apartment." josh said, just joking.

"you know what, that sounds better let's do that." tyler said with a nod, making josh laugh.

"okay, come on. let's go, baby boy." josh stood up and took ahold of tyler's hand, watching as tyler grabbed some stuff. he slid on his vans and then started walking downstairs with josh, stopping when they got to the door.

"mom! i'm going to josh's house!" he shouted, opening the door.

"oh my god, tyler, you don't have to yell. i'm right here." his mom said from the living room. "be safe, love you."

"love you too." tyler said back, finally walking out the door with josh.

they walked down the driveway to josh's car. josh opened the door for tyler, and closed it as he got in. afterwards, he went around the other side and got in himself. soon, the boys started driving to josh's apartment, when suddenly tyler saw something.

"hey, can we go to taco bell?" he asked, josh making a u-turn as tyler spoke.

"is that even a question?"


okok so everything is back to normal yay

i'm debating if i should just end this soon or make it longer bc i don't know what to do OMg

also after this story is over, i don't know what other one to do. i've got like 2 jalex, and 3 joshlers in my works. i just don't know which one to post tbh. i'll figure it out tho

anyways, thanks for reading.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now