twenty six

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the boys woke up to loud banging noise. it wasn't really that loud, but since it was only morning, it sounded much louder. it turns out, someone was only knocking on tyler's door.

tyler sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly, standing up as well. josh woke up and sat on the bed, watching as tyler opened the door.

"hey ty, it's time for- who's that?" a girl who josh did not recognize asked, looking over at josh who only just waved.

"that's uhm... that's my boyfriend, josh." tyler said shyly, all of the sudden becoming very shy.

"oh? i didn't know... josh was here. no one told me. but i'm sure mom and dad won't mind him eating breakfast with us." the girl said.

"okay, we'll be down in a few minutes." tyler responded, nodding a bit.

the girl leaned forward and cupped her hand around tyler's ear, whispering something to him. josh didn't know what she said, but he could see tylers face turn bright red. it was cute, though.

"thanks, mad. bye." tyler said quickly, shutting the door and walking back over to josh.

tyler sat down next to him, leaning against him. josh wrapped his arm around tyler, turning his head a bit to face him.

"what did she say?" josh asked.

"uhm, nothing. nothing... it's just time for breakfast. do you want some?" tyler spoke a bit faster than normal, sounding sort of flustered. josh decided not to question him any further.

"yeah, come on, let's go." josh said, giving tyler a quick kiss before standing up. he didn't really remember where the kitchen was, so he just let tyler lead the way.

soon, they arrived at the kitchen. everyone turned their heads to look at them as they took a seat, making josh feel pretty uncomfortable. he recognized tylers mom and dad, there were two other boys, who josh thought were tyler's brothers, and one girl, who he assumed was tyler's sister. tyler never mentioned having any siblings, but at the same time, neither did josh.

josh sat down next to tyler, grabbing a plate for him as tyler did the same.

"so who's this?" one of tyler's brothers asked.

"i'm josh, who are you?" josh asked. he was honestly getting pretty tired of this. why couldn't he have just introduced himself to everyone last night?

"zack, why are you here? are you tyler's friend or something?" this 'zack' guy asked.

"i'm his boyfriend." josh simply told him.

"oh." was all zack said, and that was pretty much the end of their conversation.

"i'm madison, nice to meet you josh." tyler's sister told him, a smile on her face as she spoke.

"nice to meet you madison." josh said.

"i'm jay, nice hair dude." jay told josh.

that was basically how the morning went. after they all introduced themselves to josh, they all just talked casually. he could tell that zack and tyler's dad weren't really too fond of him, but they still tried to act as friendly as possible. josh decided that he wasn't going to be sleeping over as often though. as nice as it was, he wasn't really feeling it.

after they were done eating, they decided to just go back upstairs.

"can we just go to your apartment next time? it's awkward when you're here. no offense." tyler said, sitting down and facing josh.

"none taken, it is pretty awkward." josh said with a shrug.

"can i come over tomorrow?" tyler asked.

"of course. but i have work today, so i've gotta leave soon to get ready." josh answered.

they spent an hour just doing random things and cuddling and such, then it was time for josh to leave, so he did.


this chapter was terrible. i didn't know what to do so eh. the next one will hopefully be better. but tbh i've hated this chapter and the last few where josh was at tyler's house. it was just so cringeworthy??? they were so short too?? sorry sorry.

and also, sorry for not updating yesterday. all this shit happened lmao.

thanks for reading tho.

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now