sixty three

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"hey, yeah, i'm not going to be able to make it in today." josh talked on the phone as he drove, rather fast, towards his parents house.

"you sure, man? are you okay?" mark said through the phone, sounding genuinely worried. it wasn't like josh to call out.

"yeah, something happened to my boyfriend and i'm gonna take care of it." josh said, trying to be as vague as possible.

"okay, tell me if you need anything. i'll get someone to cover for you." mark assured him.

"thanks, mark."

"anytime, josh." and with that, they both hung up.

josh pressed harder against the gas, speeding up. he was fuming with anger as of right now. nothing could really get in his way. he was going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another.

it was around twenty minutes or so later when josh was pulling into his parents driveway. almost immediately, he was out of his car and on the front step. josh absolutely hated going inside someone's house without knocking. but right now was an exception. he didn't care about his social standards or morals so he just swung the door open.

from what josh knew, everyone was home. everyone's cars were parked outside and neither of his parents worked today. and once he walked inside, he saw that he was right.

"oh joshua, what a lovely surprise." his mother said sarcastically as she heard he door slam shut. "keep it down, will you?"

"one of you better tell me what the fuck is going on right now." josh seethed.

"excuse me? that is no way to talk to your mother! first you barge in, and now you're just screaming, what has gotten into you?" she said.

by now, josh had gotten the attention of his whole family. they were all gathered up in the living room, just staring.

"first of all, mother, i know you know what i'm talking about, so just stop. i'm really not sorry." he turned to the rest of his family. "one o you better speak up right now, or else this is not going to end well. who messaged tyler?" josh practically barked.

jordan's eyes went wide. ashley looked genuinely confused. abigail looked scared. his mother had a look of disappointment. and his father was just grinning.

"what would you do about it?" his father was first to say. and it was quickly followed by a, "yeah, fag?" from jordan.

"fuck." josh muttered under his breath. he walked straight over to his brother and stared him dead in the eye. "don't you ever say a thing like that to me, or ever disrespect my boyfriend again." and with that, josh hooked jordan straight in the jaw. he didn't feel anything right now, except his rage. this caused jordan to fall to the ground due to the unexpected contact.

"joshua!" his mother gasped, running over to jordan's side.

"what the fuck!?" jordan screamed, trying to stand up, by failing at it. for good measure, he kicked him in the balls and walked over to his father. jordan curled up into a ball and began whimpering, blood running out of his mouth.

"and now you. you're my father, so out of the little respect i have for you, i'm not going to do anything. but i hope you're happy knowing you have one less son now. i will never refer to you as a father again after this. you're dead to me." josh shook his head and took a deep breath.

his father looked stunned, and pretty much at a loss for words as of now.

"josh..." he heard abigail speak quietly. "it wasn't just them." and just like that, josh was ready to pounce again.

"what do you mean, 'it wasn't just them,' abigail?" he said through gritted teeth.

"i- it was their idea..." she started, her eyes filling with water but i'm the one who sent the texts." she owned up to her part and a tear slipped down her cheek.

"i cannot believe you. i can't even stand to look at you right now." he turned away from his sister and looked at the rest of his family. "you all disgust me. i'm done with you guys. abigail, i hope you enjoyed your graduation. i thought you were better. good luck you ungrateful, backstabbing little bitch." he just scowled as he saw his family staring at him in amazement. like they never thought josh was capable of something like this.

"joshua, i'm sure they're genuinely sorry, i'm sure-" his mother began. but was just cut off by josh's anger.

"i don't give a shit if they're sorry. what's done is done. i'm going to marry that boy and rub our love in your faces since clearly, none of you are capable of loving me for who i am. goodbye. i'm done here. don't contact me or my boyfriend." josh wasn't holding back here. he turned around, headed for the exit and stood there for a second.

without a second thought, he turned and knocked over a vase filled with flowers, and walked out the door. he heard it shatter into pieces and his mother's and ashley's yelps. josh shut the door and walked back to his car. he immediately got inside, and drove off.

his angry was released and he was now just worried about tyler. it wasn't the best way to let out his anger, but that's not the point here. he decided to text tyler.

josh </3: i hope you know that i love you and i hope you're okay. my family is homophobic and because of this, i won't be talking to them anymore. you're my world and i would never mean to hurt you. i love you so much. you don't have to text back if you're still mad, i just want to make sure you're okay, baby. nothing like that will ever happen again. ♡

tyler: please comesee me i miss you andi loveyou and i need help. imso sorry forthis

josh <3: it's not your fault at all baby boy. where are you? i'm on my way right now.

tyler: brendons placce

josh <3: be there soon ♡

tyler: tahnk tou


pls i'm so sorry don't kill me

also are you guys happy that i'm updating more frequently? bc idk how i feel about it

but thanks for reading and everything you guys are great tbh ilysm!!

- angel

i'm not a stalker, promise. ☻ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now