Dean sat on his bed, looking at pictures of himself and Roman on his phone. He's been dating Roman for a month now and he couldn't be happier. Roman makes him feel things he hasn't felt since he was a mortal! It's only been a month, but he cared deeply for him and he made Dean want to give up his immortality for him! There was something about Roman that made Dean completely change who he is and be the man Roman deserved; even though Roman has never tried to change him, Dean did it all on his own.

 Being with Roman made Dean feel like he wasn't a monster and until he met him, that was something Dean longed to feel again! He knew there'd come a time when he'd have to tell Roman what he was, but kept putting it off, not wanting to lose him. Of course his family weren't making things easy! Keeper and the Elders; thanks to that piece of shit Dante, were keeping close tabs on him and he had to speak to Keeper every damn time he returned to the nest! Refusing to give Roman up, Dean began masking his scent by spending time in the cemetery before he returned home. Tonight he was going out with Roman again after he finished work and Dean couldn't wait to hold him again! His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door, he ignored whoever it was, until they spoke.

 "Open the door Dean! I know you're in there." Keeper spoke.

 Sighing Dean got up and put his phone in his pocket, as he went to the door and opened it.

 "What?" Dean demanded annoyed.

 "I've been sent to bring you to the Elders." Keeper replied.

 "Why? I've done nothing wrong dammit!" Dean asked angrily.

 "They want to talk to you about your disgusting fascination with mortals!" Keeper answered.


 "Dean, it's not normal!"

 "It's not for you, but it is for me dammit!" Dean stated.

 "You're a vamp, which means you have rules to follow!"

 "Screw the damn rules and screw the Elders!"

 "Dean, why must you always fight us?" Keeper asked frustrated.

 "It's fun!" Dean answered smiling.

 "You don't have a choice Dean! You either meet with them or you're put on lockdown!" Keeper explained angrily.

 "Lead the way asshole!" Dean answered angrily.

 "Good choice."


 Roman paced the hotel room he had rented for the night to surprise Dean. He had the whole night planned out, they would have dinner, drinks and then make out for the rest of the night! He made sure everything was ready, before he called Dean to let him know the change in plans.

 15 minutes later someone knocked on the door, Roman answered it to find Dean standing there smiling. Seeing him Roman instantly smiled too, before he kissed him. They went inside and Dean looked around, before he took his jacket off and tossed it onto the bed.

 "You've been busy! What is all this?" Dean asked, as he pointed to the small table that held their food.

 "Dinner!" Roman answered smiling. "I thought we'd have dinner alone for a change, just the two of us."

 "I like the way you think baby boy." Dean said smiling, before he kissed him.

 "I got your favorite!" Roman said.

 "I can see that!" Dean replied, looking at Roman, as he licked his lips.

 "Are you hitting on me Mr. Ambrose?" Roman asked smiling.

 "Maybe, is it working?" Dean answered smirking.

 "Does this answer your question?" Roman asked, as he pushed Dean onto the bed, before he got onto the bed too and straddling him, he kissed him. "I'm not hungry for food anymore!" He added seriously, as he starred into Dean's eyes.

 "Me neither." Dean agreed, as he sat up so Roman could take off Dean's shirt.

 A couple of hours later Roman lay in Dean's arms; after their make-out session had quickly turned into them making love for the first time. It had been everything and more that Roman thought it would be! Dean was gentle and made sure Roman was okay the entire time. Now that Roman had been intimate with Dean, he was scared that just like every other guy before him, Dean would leave him and that thought ripped his heart out! Before Roman could stop them, he felt his tears fall, Dean noticed them and became concerned.

 "What's wrong baby boy? Why are you crying?"

 "It''s nothing Dean, really I'm fine." Roman answered, as he sat up and quickly wiped his tears away.

 "Roman, please tell me what's wrong?" Dean asked, as he sat up too.

 "It''s stupid." Roman replied sighing

 "You're worried that because we made love...I'm going to leave you, aren't you?" Dean asked gently, Roman nodded.

 "Stupid huh?" Roman asked quietly.

 "Nope!" Dean answered gently, as he took Roman's hand. "Ro, I get it baby boy, I really do. I promise you though, I'm not like those assholes you dated before. I want you Roman Reigns and I'm not going anywhere!"

 Before Roman could say or do anything, Dean kissed him. He then lay down, bringing Roman with him. Neither spoke, they just lay in each others arms holding each other close. As Roman lay in Dean's arms, he felt safe and despite his past, he truly felt that Dean wouldn't hurt him.

 Dean held Roman tightly, he meant every word he said! His own fears of losing Roman when he found out what he really was paralyzed him! He couldn't lose Roman and if that meant hiding who he was for the rest of their life together...then dammit, that's what he was going to do!


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