..when I'm safe..

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I can feel your heart beat..whenI'm safe..*werewolf* 

Justin's P.O.V.

She stirred in my arms as I carried her out of the forest and towards my house. I'd missed her. When I found her, she was so pale, so skinny, so fragile, but now her color was returning and she resumed to her normal size. I was aslo like this earlier, but the minute I saw her I felt better. I can't be away from her for too long, or we'll both end up sick. 

I was just outside my front door when she decided to wake up. Her face was faced my bare chest, so that's what she woke up too. She slowly opened her eyes and the minute I saw her beautiful brown eyes, all my worries and anger dissapeared. She didn't even flinch when she saw me, she just got closer. I smiled, feeling as if I had accomplished something.

Something in her eyes changed and the minute they did, she started to struggle, trying to get out of my grasp, she pushed and pushed, yelled and yelled, cried and cried but I wouldn't let her go, I'll never let her go. "Please.." she whimpered, placing her arm on my chest trying to push herself away, but I only held her tighter. "just let me go." her voice quivered as she spoke. "I can't take this anymore.." she whispered, letting a tear fall. 

Samantha's P.O.V

"I can't take this anymore." I whispered. I had given up fighting, I just lay there in his arms. My head was pounding and the pain in my stomach was getting worse.

"What can't you take?" his soft, angelic voice whispered, causing me to shiver. I can't let him do that. You don't like him, you don't like him. My mind was telling me. Your right! You don't like him, you love him. My heart replied. I shook my head viciously.

"all of this! The pain!" I groaned when the pain increased as I agreed with my mind. It felt like at any moment I would explode.

"That's because your denying your feelings!" he shouted, causing me to flinch. He immediately lowered his voice when he saw my scared expression. "your feelings for me." he whispered, smiling slightly.

"What feelings? I don't have any!" I whimpered again as the pain increased, but I tried to put on my best brave face. Tears would no longer come out I had cried so much, my cheeks were damp from the tears. My stomach lurched causing a yelp to escape. Another bit of pain made it's way up and out from my left hip. I could feel myself growl from the pressure. 

He put me down, but as soon as my feet touched the pavement, it was gone again. I felt myself falling but not before I was caught again. "you just don't know when to give up, do you?" I heard a low whisper. 

"I never give up." I whispered back, the pain succeeding to fade as I was held the arms of my mate. I felt myself sit down, I opened my eyes to only come face to face with his beautiful brown orbs. 

"Stop fighting, this isn't a battle you'll win." he whispered, sounding sincere. I shook my head again viciously, only to stop mid-way from the pain returning. 

"I always win." I whispered, tightening my grip on the chair as the pain increased. With each lie I told, it seemed to get worse. 

Look at me. His voice commanded. I opened my eyes slightly. I couldn't face him though. I love you. the voice spoke. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.


"Nothing!" he shouted, interrupting me. I looked over at him, he was looking so vulnerable, so lost. I did the only thing possible that wouldn't drive me crazy. I kissed him. I placed my hand behind his neck and crashed my lips to his, I don't know why, I don't know how, but what I do know is..

I love him. 

I can feel your heart beat.. (Justin Bieber) *werewolf*Where stories live. Discover now