T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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My eyebrows shot up.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I pried away from my mothers vicious grip and stumbled back. She gave me a sickly sweet smile.

"You and I both know that you're better off without the monster that killed the only people you've ever had in this life." My mother explained.

"Excuse me? How would you know what's better for me?" I snapped.

She chuckled deviously."I'm your mother. Clearly you've forgotten that much, maybe if you hadn't run around being such a whore and listening to that Shelley bitch then maybe you'd know."

My heart pounded in my chest as she spat such harsh words.

"Fuck you!" I screamed and grabbed the nearest lamp to throw at her. She quickly dodged it and I rolled my eyes.

Fucking vampires.

I heard Justin growling as he held my father down on the ground. I turned to find Justin with a sharp metal object in his hand. He held it in the air for what seemed like ages.

As he brought the object down I quickly objected.

"Wait!" I called out. Justin stopped and so did my father, they both peered over at me. Justin seemed confused.

I walked towards them and gave Justin a look that read,'don't worry' and he nodded.

He furrowed his brows as I made a gesture to get off of my father. I grabbed the metal object from his hand once Justin had stood beside me and I quickly used it to threaten my father.

"You've both done nothing but make my life a living hell. I want nothing more than for Justin to kill you right now but I feel like it's my obligation to keep you alive because without you, I wouldn't be here." I explained harshly.

My father gazed into my eyes. I felt a tear slip and slide down my cheek.

I used my sleeve to wipe it away before using the sharp object to stab my father in the stomach. I left him there in pain while I hurried back to my mother who now stood in the middle of the room with her thin arms crossed and a look of anger.

"You have no idea what would be better for me. You never have and you never will. You've been a shit mother and maybe I was absolutely crushed when I found out you both were gone but it didn't stop me from thinking about how free I was. You've both done nothing but try to control me. I thought I hated you before this mess but today just confirms what I thought before I walked back into the room. You haven't changed. You're still a conniving bitch." I spat furiously.

Justin stayed quiet as my chest rose and fell quickly.

"I'll be back." My mother spoke as she shot daggers at me. She grabbed my fathers arm and helped him out of the room.

It was quiet as I awaited to hear the front door slam shut. When it did, Justin grabbed me as I almost fell to the ground in a heap of a mess.

What the hell is happening?

I sobbed in his arms. I was hurt. There was no doubt.

"Baby, I promise you that I'll fix this." Justin whispered.

I sniffled." This isn't your battle to fight, it's mine."

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