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"I promise it's not what you think it is." I blurted out.

She raised her eyebrows."Ana, then what the hell did I just read?!" Her voice was slightly raised.

"I-I-" I couldn't come up with anything.

She stared me down and I could feel the pressure.

"Well?" She said with a hint of frustration in her voice.

There was really only one thing left to do.

"If I tell you, promise not to freak out?" I asked. I had no other choice then to tell her everything and that included Justin.

She stayed silent and waited for me to speak but in all honesty, I had no idea how I should start. Everything began to run through my mind and that's when my brain sparked up an idea and my mouth went along with it and blurted out:

"Justin is my boyfriend, well I mean I don't know anymore, and he's a vampire." My eyes widened at my words and I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth and mentally shot myself.

I watched as aunt Shelley sat back. She shook her head. She pushed her chair back as she stood from it.

"Ana, have you been taking drugs?" She questioned.

"Oh god." I whispered out and rubbed my head.

"Ana, I'm serious! This is crazy!" Aunt Shelley stated in a loud voice.

"Shelley, I'm serious too. I don't know what else to say. He-He's I-" I couldn't even finish what I was trying to say. I was at a loss for words.

Aunt Shelley stayed quiet and pursed her lips. She grabbed her plate and left the dining room. I followed her.

I stayed behind the bar as I watched her clean the dishes in the sink.

"Shelley, please. I'm telling you the truth. You have to believe me." I pleaded.

She turned off the water and wiped her hands dry. She turned towards me.

"What if I did believe you? What happens then? Am I supposed to act like its normal and everything is okay?" She asked me. I bit my lip as I answered them all in my own head.

"I promise I'll explain everything." I said and she nodded.

* * *

"So what happens from here? I mean with the both of you?" She questioned. She sipped her cup of coffee. I played with the placemats on the table in front of me to distract me a bit.

"I'm not sure. But for some reason Justin always knows where I am. I guess I wait for him to come back to me." I explained seriously. I still needed to talk to him and tell him how I felt about him after finding out that he's the one who killed my parents.

"If he doesn't come back?" She asked.

I shrugged." I don't really know. He might not and maybe I shouldn't waste my life waiting but isn't that the beauty of it? Waiting for the love of my life to find his way back to me?"

Aunt Shelley gave me a warm smile."Maybe you should go find him." She spoke.

I took my lip in between my teeth and bit down with thoughts racing in my head.

Maybe she was right.

When Darkness Falls Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora